Church Needs “to Return to the True Meaning of the Bible”

by Ken Ham on February 11, 2012

We are already receiving wonderful testimonials from the AiG conference in Bermuda. It was thrilling to meet two young people who are frequent visitors to the AiG website. They told me they could say, “Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.” So I asked them to say it in front of the audience, which they did. Here is a photo as they are speaking into the microphone:

AiG Conference in Bermuda

Well here is an email one of these children sent me, showing he understands the problem in the church today more than many pastors:

We met at the Answers Conference in Bermuda. My sister and I said the phrase you often say when speaking about the fossils: "Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth." I greatly enjoyed hearing a Christian person speak about the true age of the earth and the issues concerning it. I love the way you present the Bible and how you show the need for the church to return to the true meaning of the Bible.

I am home-schooled, and my mother chose a Christian curriculum that has benefited me greatly. I am grateful for all Christian ministries and evangelists who believe in the six literal day creation week.

I hope to see the Creation Museum one day and meet you again.

Here is another encouraging testimony:

We met at your Answers in Genesis conference in Bermuda this past weekend. I am a home schooled teen who enjoys visiting your ministry’s website weekly. I have learned a lot by watching many of the videos there; so it was a real pleasure to meet you in person. I really enjoy the way you present the truth in a simple and straight-forward way. Some of my favourite subjects that you speak on is the Grand Canyon, Ice Age and the young age of the Earth. I like the way you expose the faults of dating methods like carbon dating, and the guesswork involved in those methods. I think Bermuda needed some one like you to come and share the truth about Genesis 1-11 so we can share it with others.

Praise the Lord!

Here is a photo of staff member Jim Stiles, his wife Carolyn, Mally, and me—the AiG team who visited Bermuda last weekend:

AiG Conference in Bermuda

I have already shared in previous blog posts some photos from the conference, but here is one final photo of this exciting meeting in Bermuda:

AiG Conference in Bermuda

The following photos were taken during our last day in Bermuda when we got to see the Island:

AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda AiG Conference in Bermuda

Pastors Preaching for Evolution on Sunday

Lastly, I want you to see today’s News to Note web article that comments each week on recent news of the day and read about “Evolution Weekend” going on right now in some churches across America, with pastors actually preaching pro-evolution messages tomorrow. I encourage you to read about this shocking compromise in the church.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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