Many of you have heard of AiG’s Buddy Davis! God has gifted him in many ways. He is a taxidermist, a sculptor, an artist, children’s workshop leader, speaker, and a singer with several CDs to his credit. The Lord used Buddy and Kay and their collection of dinosaurs (wonderfully sculpted by Buddy) to be an integral part of the vision for the Creation Museum. It was when I met Buddy and Kay around 17 years ago, and saw their dinosaurs, that the vision for the Creation Museum (which began over 30 years ago) began to really become a reality.
On the day I first met Buddy, I saw he had a guitar hanging up in his log cabin. I asked him to sing, and he did so, reluctantly. I told Buddy that the song he sang, “He Make Dreams Out of Nothing,” would be sung when the Creation Museum opened. And yes, Buddy sang that song on Memorial Day weekend, 2007, at the official opening of the Creation Museum.
Since that time, Buddy has spoken and sung all around the world. AiG has produced many CDs of his songs—many especially written for children. Buddy personally writes the music and words for nearly all the songs he performs.
Many of you may not know that some of Buddy’s songs have been played on radio stations over the years, and recently, a couple of them have made quite an impression on the Inspirational Country Charts. His song “Singing with the Saints” actually went up to #22 on the Inspirational Country Charts.
Another of his songs “The Bible is a Gold Mine” is currently making its way up this inspirational chart.
The following are a few of the stations that are playing this song heavily: KABF in Little Rock, Arkansas; WKAX in Russellville, Alabama; WTYS in Marianna, Florida; KJNP in North Pole, Alaska; KNLG in New Bloomfield, Missouri; WSTH in Fortson, Georgia; WGMA in Springdale, North Carolina; WXML in Upper Sandusky, Ohio; and WSM in Nashville, Tennessee (a huge, well-known station).
I don’t know whether you realize it, but it really is quite an honor for Buddy to have the song played on WSM in Nashville. The executive director of the promotions group that sent Buddy’s song to radio stations recently wrote the following to Buddy:
I have been meaning to tell you. Congrats on getting on WSM radio here in Nashville on that last tracking report. That was a wonderful compliment. We rarely ever have artists that they like and play, and they are legendary, famous, and huge!!!!
Now keep in mind that artists like Ricky Skaggs, The Isaacs, Dolly Parton, etc. often buy expensive ads in order to get people’s attention and to hope that their songs will go high up in the charts. We don't buy such ads and yet Buddy's songs have been doing very well indeed.
And do you know what I love most about Buddy’s songs? They are full of great biblical teaching—not the fluff and stuff many songs today have!
You can hear the entire song “The Bible is a Gold Mine” at this link (go to track #8 and listen for free).
Special: You can download Buddy’s song for free to listen on your electronic device (and send it to others) at this link.
You can find out more on the online store about Buddy’s CDs and the wonderful biblical authority and creation songs composed by Buddy.
Children can learn a lot of what AiG teaches through Buddy’s songs like Billions of Dead Things, It’s Designed to Do What It Does Do, Were You There? and so on! Make Buddy your kids’ favorite singer, and they will learn how to defend their faith and how to put their trust in the Lord Jesus.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.