Special Guests

by Ken Ham on January 5, 2012

On Tuesday we welcomed two special people to the Creation Museum. The first is almost a household name in Christian literature, Elisabeth Elliot. She lost her first husband in the 1950s when, as a missionary in Peru, Jim Elliott was martyred (along with four others) by the Auca Indians. Amazingly, she went to be a missionary among the very tribe members who killed her husband, living with the Aucas for two years. It’s an incredible account. In fact, the death of the five men was recounted in a Hollywood movie a few years ago.

Elisabeth has written over 20 books (Through Gates of Splendor, Shadow of the Almighty, etc.) and has been living in America now for many years. She and her husband, Lars (they live in Massachusetts), were brought here by some long-time AiG supporters—the Price family of Dayton, Ohio.

Be sure to see Elisabeth’s website, www.elisabethelliot.org.

Our other special guest on Tuesday was Rich Aguilera of Michigan. He wanted us to check out a portion of one of his children’s live programs, “Live and Muddy.” His apologetics ministry reaches out to young people and families on creation vs. evolution. He also produces videos and writes articles on biblical apologetics. Rich writes, “Everywhere you look, evolution is being presented as the ‘official’ explanation for our origins. Movies, books, toys, TV shows, schools, public parks, museums, etc. Our goal is to counter that influence so that people everywhere may understand what the Bible teaches and how our own planet provides the evidence of a God, the Creator.”

Rich Aguilera

See his website at www.onemustardseed.com.

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