Summer Osborn was a special visitor to the Creation Museum for the past two days. As a brain cancer survivor, she was given the opportunity through her Make-A-Wish group in Georgia to travel with her family to virtually any place in the USA, and Summer chose the Creation Museum as the place to go! Make-A-Wish flew Summer and her family from Atlanta to our Cincinnati area, and they will spend four days in our region—two full days in our museum (yes, there is so much to see here that many people stay for two days). Today they are spending the day at the famed Cincinnati Zoo (though we cautioned her about the evolution content in some of the zoo’s exhibits).
The family had heard me speak in Woodstock, Georgia, earlier this year, and I met Summer there. I invited her to visit the museum (about an eight-hour drive away), and they were blessed through Make-A-Wish to fly up rather than drive.
I was so honored that Summer chose the museum as the one place she wanted to visit! And she was so happy to hear Buddy Davis do a concert in our new Legacy Hall, and she met with Buddy afterwards. Summer told us that her other favorite things at the museum included our “Men in White” special effects show and our planetarium shows; in fact, we made it possible for her to watch three different planetarium programs, including one that we normally reserve for our Christmas outreach—“The Christmas Star.” I also gave her a sneak preview of our new observatory and its two high-power telescopes; the observatory is almost finished and will be ready soon for public use. Then we gave her a set of my new DVD series called Foundations.
Rachel Bosket of our staff (who helped coordinate the visit with Make-A-Wish), me, Summer (sitting in a wheelchair), and the rest of her family (Susie, Luke, and Steve).
Summer noticed the stuffed poodles on my bookshelf that people have sent me from around the country (one of my talks discusses so-called “dog evolution” and how poodles are genetic oddities :) ), so we made sure some of the stuffed poodles were kept in the photo.
Please pray for this sweet young lady as she recovers from her battle with cancer.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.