They Heard the Message

by Ken Ham on September 6, 2011

Yesterday at the Creation Museum, 35 ASL interpreters and volunteers assisted Deaf and hard-of-hearing guests (attending our special “Deaf Days”) access the message of the Creation Museum. Most of the museum’s videos, as well as the Planetarium, have close captioning, and were ASL interpreted. The interpreters also assisted in other areas such as guest questions, directions, and interpreting live programs.

Here are photographs taken throughout the day that give you a little glimpse into what it was like at the Creation Museum for “Deaf Day.”

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  • Deaf Day

Praise the Lord we are able to conduct special outreaches like this. And thank you to all the interpreters and volunteers who gave of their time to make this a special day. And thanks to LaRosa’s Pizza for providing them lunch and Kroger groceries for the bottled water.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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