In the News Again

by Ken Ham on August 20, 2011

Since the announcement in December last year about our intent to build the “Ark Encounter” park, many news items have appeared in varied sources around the world. This past week, an Associated Press article (that was a rather well-written and balanced article) was taken up by a number of news sources—including Fox News, CBS, and AiG's librarian has updated a site where we make record of the Ark Encounter news items. I thought you would be interested in going to this site not only to look at all the news items since December, but to see some of the latest listings that published the AP article.

Go to this link:

For information on the Ark Encounter, go to

Speaking in Indianapolis

This Sunday and Monday, Dr. Gary Parker and I will be speaking at an AiG conference in Indianapolis.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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