Just a Tiny Hint of the Ark Encounter Experience

by Ken Ham on August 6, 2011

It was just a tiny taste of what is to come at our future Ark Encounter, but animal trainer Dan Breeding gave a fascinating preview of one of his live animal programs in our new Legacy Hall auditorium at the Creation Museum this week. Imagine numerous programs like this with many different animals as a part of the Ark Encounter experience when the attraction opens, Lord-willing, in 2014—featuring a full-size Noah’s Ark! Of course people just LOVED the program by Dan—and it is all from a biblical worldview perspective, of course.

Here are some photographs taken as Dan Breeding enthralled the audience with his captivating program:

Dan Breeding presentation Dan Breeding presentation Dan Breeding presentation

Dan Breeding presentation Dan Breeding presentation Dan Breeding presentation

To find out more about the Ark Encounter project, go to: ArkEncounter.com

Speaking with Dr. Gary Parker in Louisiana on Sunday & Monday

Beginning tomorrow and through Monday evening, Dr. Gary Parker and I will be speaking in Bossier City, Louisiana.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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