The End of an Era

by Ken Ham on June 12, 2011

AiG had a special chapel this past Friday to honor retiring AiG Board of Directors’ member, Dr. Mark Jackson. Dr. Jackson was unable to be here in person, but joined us live on the phone. He officially retired on the day of he and his wife Irene’s 62nd wedding anniversary (and yes—we sent them some flowers to commemorate this special event).

AiG board chairman, Pastor Don Landis, led the special chapel time, recapping Dr. Jackson’s special role on the board and some of the positions he has held at various times of his life. For instance, Dr. Jackson has travelled to 75 countries preaching the gospel. He has gone to teach people and help missionaries in parts of the world most of us would not be prepared to go. Dr. Jackson was a leader of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches for many years, and also served as president of the Baptist Bible College in Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1986.

Here is a photograph of Don Landis as he talked to Dr. Jackson on the phone in our SFX Ttheater:

Don Landis talking with Dr. Mark Jackson

Dr. Jackson then gave a wonderful challenging devotion to the staff, as his last official duty as a board member. You can listen to this 10-minute devotional as well as comments from myself and Pastor Don Landis:

After Dr. Jackson addressed the staff, Don then presented him with this plaque:

Plaque for Dr. Mark Jackson

The board of directors also unanimously voted to make Dr. Jackson a “‘board director emeritus.”

Yes, it is the end of an era—but we praise the Lord for the opportunity we have all had to get to know this great man of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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