AiG Website Content Now in Arabic

by Ken Ham on May 19, 2011

Seven Arabic–speaking people were brought to America by invitation from our international division (Answers Worldwide) during two of our annual International Training Seminars. This group, encouraged by Dr. Nagy Iskander (an Egyptian medical doctor who resides in Scotland), became very excited about the ministry and message of AiG and determined to translate parts of the AiG website into Arabic.

Today that dream became a reality as the Arabic website went live and is now available to Arabic-speaking people around the world.

The following email made the announcement about the new website:

Dear Brothers and Sisters (especially those of you who read Arabic)

We have the pleasure to announce to all of you the official launching of our website: Yes our ministry is on the web now and we would like your comments. Enjoy it.

Dr. Yasser Farah

The entire AiG family congratulates Dr. Yasser Farah and his team for this historic accomplishment. Please visit the website and note the AiG 1:1 logo on their home page.

Dr. David Crandall, international director of Answers Worldwide, said the following today:

The announcement today is a significant milestone for AiG internationally; it takes volumes of AiG resources and makes them now available to the 221 million Arabic-speaking people all over the world. I would encourage every Christian to forward this wonderful news to every Arabic reader that they know.
Praise the Lord for the way he is using AiG to reach millions around the world.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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