Impacting Tough Marines

by Ken Ham on May 11, 2011

Over the years, I have heard from—and met—many young men who are in the military and have been greatly impacted by AiG resources. Many of them have used these resources in reaching out to their fellow military personnel.

Here is just one sample of many such testimonies we receive. This one was sent to us very recently.

I thought you might be interested in another little story; a few weeks ago, we sent our youngest son . . . to boot camp (his dream). In the few last days before he left, we intentionally spent quite a bit of time together. On the final Friday before he left, I had asked him what he wanted to do if he could choose anything. He said, “I’ve always wanted to go to the Creation Museum, and we really have never gotten to it.” So we went. We had a great time! The visit gave us the chance to do a lot of talking about our beliefs and world view just before he left (a prized memory for me!). At the end insisted that he buy the Demolishing Strongholds series that was running in your store. We watched it all before he left. He has since written a couple of letters (they don’t have much time for writing in boot camp) and has told me that he has found and buddied up with some great guys in a Sunday School class which is teaching the AiG world view!

Just thought I’d let you know. You may or may not expect to be having an impact . . . amid a bunch of tough Marines; but you are! Thank everyone there for the work you all do.

Praise the Lord for such a witness in the military. Please pray for all those who are being trained and for those who have been trained to defend this country.

Answers Awards

In a previous blog post, I informed you that Answers magazine received a number of awards—include a top award for excellence from the Evangelical Press Association (EPA). Here is a photograph of our main Answers magazine staff at Tuesday’s staff chapel.

We showed photographs and the award certificates.

Congratulations to the Answers magazine staff as well as to the many others who contribute in various ways.

Find out more about Answers magazine, and how you can subscribe.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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