His Heart Has Been Changed

by Ken Ham

We hear so many testimonies about how the Creation Museum has been used by the Lord to bring people to salvation. Over the past years, we have been thrilled at the number of children who have committed their life to the Lord at the museum or as a result of visiting the museum. Because the heart of the ministry is evangelism, I thought I should devote this blog to a testimony that was phoned in to one of our staff yesterday. This a record of the phone call from the AiG staff member:

I just had a lady call in and she wanted to share her story with us, her son committed his life to Christ as a result of the Museum:
A family were visiting their brother & sister in law for Thanksgiving and wanted to come to the Museum; they tried to convince their extended family to come with them, but they declined. So they came, the Friday after Thanksgiving and went through the entire museum, ending with the Last Adam show. At the end of the show her 6 year old son . . . grabbed one of the cards (credit card type, the one you can sign the back of if you make a commitment to Christ) and took it home. Later that night, as he was drying off from his bath, he turned and looked at his mom and asked, “Mommy, am I a Christian?” So they talked and prayed because he really wanted to know Jesus. He was so happy after that while he was brushing his teeth, he kept stopping to sing,” I’m a Christian, I’m a Christian!” They went and told his dad then pulled out that little card and he proudly signed his name and dated the card. It is now stored in his memory drawer.
This mother just wanted to call and let us know how grateful she is to the Lord for this whole experience and the impact the Museum had on her son; she said there is such a difference in him, his heart has been changed.
Pray for this six-year-old, and praise the Lord for what He is doing through the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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