1.23 Million

by Ken Ham on December 30, 2010

As I have been recapping some interesting news items for 2010, I had to include the news that was covered by various media outlets when the Creation Museum welcomed its one millionth visitor in less than three years.

My blog post concerning this historic day reads as follows:

Media Covers Creation Museum’s One-millionth Visitor

Mr. Joe Brown had never visited the Creation Museum (although his wife Malinda and son Joey had), so he didn’t know what to expect when he walked through the museum doors yesterday—especially when I went up to greet him and his family.

I indicated that he was our one-millionth visitor to the museum (in less than 3 years). As I welcomed Mr. Brown, I gave him a basket of gifts that had been donated by various hotels and attractions in the area (coordinated through Cincinnati USA.com—for which we thank them). And our bookstore donated several DVDs and books to the gift basket; plus, we gave him a lifetime museum membership (with four guest passes that he could use for friends over the years).

The Brown family lives in Dayton, Ohio, and even though this was Joe’s first time to the museum, he had been aware of our apologetics ministry through our Answers radio program that is aired in the Dayton area.

You may read the entire blog post.

Attendance at the Creation Museum continues to be very strong, despite the rough economy. We are on track to see similar attendance in this fourth year to that of the second and third years. By the end of this week we should be over 1,230,000 visitors.

I still remember the secularists scoffing at us three to four years ago, claiming people would not visit the Creation Museum. I recall scoffers even within the church, with some saying it would be a “white elephant.”

Well, the Lord has blessed.

We are also experiencing secularists already claiming the Ark Encounter—with a full-size Noah’s Ark, also to be built in northern Kentucky—will not get many visitors. See www.ArkEncounter.com. Well, they can scoff, but we continue to step out in faith, as we did for the Creation Museum, trusting our Heavenly Father to continue to lead us as He has so faithfully done since the formation of AiG.

Praise the Lord.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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