Coming Soon—Christmas Town

by Ken Ham on December 2, 2010

It begins December 10!

The Creation Museum is making preparations for our annual Christmas celebration, called Christmas Town. It starts Friday evening of next week (December 10), and for several other evenings through the month and early January. We’ll be celebrating the events surrounding Christ’s birth.

The outside events (except for the camel rides) are free, and many of the inside activities are free.

Here are photos of just a little of our preparations:

Featuring a free live nativity, dazzling lights, live dramas, and Bethlehem, Christmas Town is becoming an annual tradition for families all across the region.

Here is a news release we sent to the media recently about Christmas Town—it offers more details:

“Christmas Town” at the Creation Museum:

Celebrate the Holiday with a Live Nativity, Dramatic Actors, and a First-Century Re-Creation of Bethlehem

PETERSBURG, KY., November 26, 2009 -- The Creation Museum is gearing up for another season of presenting the true meaning of Christmas through a live nativity display on the museum's highly-decorated grounds. "Christmas Town" will provide a glimpse of the amazing events surrounding the wonder of Christ's birth through a nativity presentation, dazzling lights, and live dramas. Christmas Town has become an annual tradition for families in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. (17,000 visitors came in 2009)

Dramatic presentations include:

  1. The story of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and the joy she felt when she was told she would bear a child of promise;
  2. The temply guard, Hyam, whose life was transformed from shame to hope with his search for the "child born King of the Jews;" and
  3. The Magi, wise men who will share how and why they followed the star.

The museum's gardens will be transformed into a "Garden of Lights" featuring a breathtaking display of more than 60,000 Christmas lights. A first-century marketplace will make it easy to gather last minute Christmas gifts and souvenirs, from authentic oil lamps and pottery to handmade scarves, hats, toys and baskets.

In addition, the museum's acclaimed planetarium will present its special program, "The Christmas Star," about the mysterious star in the east that heralded the birth of Jesus and guided the wise men to Him. Next door, "Noah's Cafe" will serve beverages and snacks.

"Christmas Town is open 6-8 p.m. ET, Dec. 10, 11, 17, 18, 27, 28, 31 and Jan. 1, and all outdoor events (except for the camel rides) are free and open to the public. More information about these special Christmas events, plus details on purchasing tickets for the planetarium and the Creation Museum, can be found at or by calling (888) 582-4253. The museum itself will be open free on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., as a Christmas gift and a "thank you" to the community for another great year at the museum.

Answers in Genesis is a biblical apologetics ministry which conducts more than 250 teaching meetings each year, hosts an award-winning website, and produces "Answers" radio program heard on more than 600 stations throughout the world. It is the parent ministry of the high-tech Creation Museum which opened to international acclaim on Memorial Day 2007, and has attracted more than 1.2 million visitors since then. For more information, see our newsroom.

In addition, see

Governor Announces Ark Project

Also, take a look at today’s main web article, with a report on Kentucky’s Governor Steven Beshear making the announcement Wednesday of AiG building a full-scale Noah’s Ark in northern Kentucky.

Speaking This Sunday

This Sunday, I will be speaking at a church in the Brisbane (Queensland) area—at the morning service, and then giving two presentations in the evening.

I encourage those in Australia who know people in the Brisbane area to send the information about these meetings to them.

This is the only time I will be speaking in Australia this year.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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