Ministered To—By a Children’s Book!

by Ken Ham on November 25, 2010

First, for our US readers: Happy Thanksgiving!

Over the years, I have been so thankful to have had many adults tell me that while reading some of our children’s books to their children, they themselves learned answers about the Bible they never knew before! Here is such a testimony we received recently from Oklahoma:

I am so thankful for this ministry. As a fairly new Christian and after attending church for only about 1 year, I had questions about the account of creation in Genesis and the theological reasoning about death happening before the fall. I had been taught evolution in high school and knew that both stories about dinosaurs (millions of years and God created all animals) didn’t work. I had asked my Sunday school teacher who was a seasoned man of God and he even had no answers for me. I attended a Christian college and took many courses where the Bible was center stage. Still, my analytical mind revisited the whole creation thing regularly.

Approximately 6 years ago, a couple visited our church and were selling books from your ministry. I had a young son and purchased several children books, and for me, I bought the “Answers” book. After reading “D is for Dinosaur,” I received my long-awaited answer; yes the children’s book had explained to me my answer. It all fell into place. It was what I wanted to believe because that is what the Bible says, but I maybe was a little embarrassed to be so naïve.

Since this wonderful revelation I have been able to teach my young son the truth about so many things he “learns” from TV, school, the computer and even other adults and kids. We encounter on a regular basis tension from others about believing in the truth. My son loves to tell other children that dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago, and you can imagine how that goes over. I remind him constantly to not argue -- just let others know what he believes and why. It is shocking to see how often we encounter issues that conflict with the truth. I know it’s because the world is packed full of lies.

Tears come to my eyes as I think of what your ministry has allowed my son to be: a believer of truth and not lies. Thank you so much.

We recently visited the Creation Museum and it was well worth the 900+ miles driven. I was so impressed!! My family had a wonderful time and the visit had a supernatural way of making a special bond form within our family, as we all know truth. I cannot thank you enough -- and explain enough -- how your ministry has answered so many questions for me personally. Answers in Genesis will be in my prayers and I will pray that the message you send of creation and how it all falls into the wonderful gift of salvation spreads all over the world. Thank you!

WOW! Changed lives. That’s what this ministry is all about.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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