AiG Books in China

by Ken Ham on September 11, 2010

The message and books of AiG have infiltrated the Bamboo Curtain of China where an estimated 130 million Christians live. Books and DVDs were taken into China as AiG ministered there. In an amazing development, AiG books have been placed in the library of a large university in China. These books will expose students to the Word of God and to the Creator God.

Unified . . . High Energy ... Clever Ways ... Balanced ...

These are some of the terms that were used in feedback we received about our 2010 Vacation Bible School (VBS) program, “Egypt File”:

I had to write in praise of your VBS program, The Egypt File. We are a Presbyterian Church in America and always use materials from our own publishers because they are totally scriptural, and the lessons for all ages have depth, so when I ordered your program for perusal, I was doubtful that it would meet the mark. By the time I finished reading through the junior teacher’s manual, I was bouncing around the room. When I played the CD of contemporary music, I was already composing movements. The phone rang while “Diggin’, Diggin” was blaring, and I told the caller this was our VBS program and that the kids were going to love it.
However, another great thrill came. The teachers loved it, too. We run a four-evening VBS with closing exercise on the last evening. One teacher called to say she couldn’t drop any one of the five lessons because they built on one another and from the first lesson on creation to the last lesson on the purpose for one’s individual life, they all showed the need for a savior. She was so right. Never have I seen such a unified series. But there was even more to commend: it was the most high energy set of lessons I have ever taught, full of clever ways to teach the concepts to each age level.
The students loved the lessons. They loved and laughed through the music periods and learned the songs, still singing them three weeks later. All in all, it was the most balanced program I’ve ever directed. Kids left on Friday evening, saying, “Tell me when Bible School is next year.” Our prayer had been that God would be exalted, that everyone would get a sense of our magnificent and amazing God so worthy of worship, and that this awareness would spill over into a great outpouring of joy. God answered that prayer through your wonderful series. Thank you.

Make sure you find out about our next VBS called, Gold Rush! If you thought it couldn’t get better than Egypt File, AiG staff say Gold Rush is even a step better! WOW! Don’t miss out on using AiG’s VBS in your area next summer.

AiG Conference in Florida

Last night, Dr. Jason Lisle and I spoke at Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, Florida (near Tampa). This is the beginning of a weekend conference at the church. We speak today (Saturday) and then Sunday morning and Sunday evening.

Here are some photos taken Friday evening at this sprawling church, including Dr. Lisle at the pulpit and another in the church lobby with our conference volunteers wearing AiG T-shirts.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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