Labor Day Will Be Extra-Special at the Museum

by Ken Ham on August 28, 2010

We’re holding a very special day at the Creation Museum on Labor Day, Monday, September 6. The museum will be hosting the museum’s first-ever “Deaf Day.” The Lord has provided 24 Christians to volunteer, including several interpreters, to serve during the event. Jon Barr, president of Silent Word Ministries (, will serve as an interpreter, along with his wife Diane, in one of our theaters. Jon and Diane visited the museum earlier this month and Jon spoke in our staff devotions in the morning.

Most of the Creation Museum’s content is deaf-friendly every day. Many of the huge exhibits are very visual, and most of the videos throughout the museum are captioned. For Deaf Day, we will have interpreters helping with ticket sales, along with volunteers who know sign language and who will be stationed in the museum, café, and theaters. From noon through closing, sign-language interpretation will be provided for the shows. Live captioning will also be provided for the afternoon “Men in White” shows as well as the 3:00 pm lecture by Steve Ham in the Special Effects Theater.

Deaf guests and their immediate families will receive buy-one-get-one free admission to the museum on Deaf Day. Find out more at blogs.answersingenesisorg/blogs/creation-museum/2010/07/12/creation-museum-deaf-day-2010-is-coming

Please pass this link on to someone you know might be interested in this September 6 event.

Jon Barr speaking at our staff chapel earlier this month.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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