Get Your Pastor to Answers for Pastors—and Our Creation Museum!

by Ken Ham on July 27, 2010

Over 250 Already Registered

We are so privileged to have Dr. John Whitcomb speaking at our Answers for Pastors conference (September 21–23) here in our Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area—Dr. Whitcomb is one of the founders of the worldwide creation movement (he co-authored the The Genesis Flood with Dr. Henry Morris) and a leading theologian. Naturally, Dr. Whitcomb will give a talk on the Flood of Noah’s time. AiG speakers, including me, will be speaking to the pastors as well. We think this special apologetics conference will be a great blessing for your pastor (and his wife—who attends at half price and special sessions will also be held for her).  This will be a unique opportunity to hear Dr. Whitcomb (who has now greatly cut down on his speaking engagements) alongside AiG’s speakers and researchers.

Please forward this blog item to your pastor, and encourage him to be a part of this great conference, which features such an eminent biblical scholar who helped launch the modern creation movement around the world with his book. Please share with your pastor that the Creation Museum is only about 15 minutes away from the conference facility, and we have time set aside for the pastor (and his wife) to tour the museum (museum tickets are included in the registration fee).

Your pastor will be encouraged and refreshed as he fellowships with other Christian leaders and receives some great Bible teaching.

Note: If you tell your pastor about this conference and he registers, you will receive a free copy of our State of the Nation 2 DVD.  When your pastor has registered, he can just call us and give his registration number plus your contact information, and we will send you our free copy of my State of the Nation 2 DVD as a way of saying “thank you”.

So how about sending this blog item to your pastor?  Thank you.

It’s now less than two months away, so go to our pastors’ conference website for details.

Some Photographic Highlights from the Defending the Faith Conference

AiG photographers Marty and Deb Minnard and Greg Ross took hundreds of photographs at our recent Defending the Faith conference in Tennessee.  Almost 3,000 people turned out! Here is a collection of photographs highlighting various aspects of the conference:

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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