Best Vacation Ever

by Ken Ham on June 7, 2010

What a thrill to receive this email about a fourth grader:

Last week my grandson (4th grade) surprised us with this summary of his trip to the creation museum that he had produced on his computer. Not only had no one suggested that he do this, but he did it two months after his visit to the creation museum. To describe it as “the best vacation ever” was even more impressive to me as we had taken his family to Hawaii three years earlier to help us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Last year we also took them for a week on Jekyll Island. So there [were] some great vacations that he was comparing with the creation museum trip. As much as his spontaneous evaluation pleased me, it occurred to me that you also would appreciate hearing his response:
Report: Trip to the Creation Museum

Here is his this young man’s report printed out:

My Trip to the Creation Museum

Have you ever been to the Creation Museum? At the Creation Museum when you walk in you get to get a picture taken of you in front of dinos. In the Creation Museum there is a dinosaur that sounds like a cow. I like the dino den the most because it tells about dinosaurs. Next to the dino den there is an ice cream stand. Then we got to watch two movies called The Last Adam and Men in White. It was cool because we got sprayed with water! In the dino den there is a sculpture of the tyrant king which is the size of three humans stacked on top of each other. There also was a giant clay model of a plant eater whose head can move – you will see it when you walk in. I thought the giant Noah’s Ark was the best out of all the things I saw. There also was a big clay model of a velociraptor. I thought the Creation Museum was the best vacation ever!

All Wrapped Up

Here are some photographs of a Creation Museum wrap on one of the AiG vehicles—this will be a great marketing tool for the Creation Museum.


We know not what is become of him

(Exodus 32:1) And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him.

Sin brings a despising of the man of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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