In Bloom

by Ken Ham on April 20, 2010

Right now, the botanical gardens on our Creation Museum grounds are looking great. After being in Alberta, Canada, for a few days, I was amazed on my return yesterday to see how much more colorful it has become on the property. It will get even greener over the next few days and become quite lush—certainly way different to the brown grass and dust we encountered in Alberta.

This is certainly a prime time to visit the museum and walk the grounds. Also, the crowds are not as large as they are in the summer (though we had 1,661 people here on Saturday). Plus we are closing in on one million visitors since we opened less than three years ago. Maybe you’ll be that person if you come in the next few days! (We have a nice gift package awaiting that person/family.) Attendance is at about 996,000 right now.

By the way, we have just published a photo book of the museum’s beautiful gardens, with great photos supplied by Deb and Marty Minnard of our staff. Check it out in our online store.

Romanian Visitor

Florentin Clipa from Romania was here at the museum earlier this month. He represents a ministry called “Vision Outreach Romania.” He is a keen creationist, and has helped organize creation lecture tours of his country. While here, he visited with Dr. Terry Mortenson, a researcher and speaker on our staff (Terry used to live in Eastern Europe).

Florentin has a burden to share the creation/gospel message in former atheistic communist nations. He wrote to us later:

Thank you for your materials that you gave me on Friday. I am sure they will be a blessing for my preaching & teaching ministry. Also, I am excited about having an AiG speaker for some conferences [and] in some secular universities . . . it would be a great project. May God bless you and look forward to working together in the future.
Find out more about Florentin's ministry at


I work

(John 5:17) But Jesus answered them, My Father works hitherto, and I work.

Neither the Lord Jesus Christ nor the Father are lazy. So, neither should we be, but till He takes us home we need to be His hands and feet working as He directs.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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