Banner Up!

by Ken Ham on April 13, 2010

Our Creation Museum is well-known throughout our Tri-state area (Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio). On Saturday, Mark Looy, our CCO, sent me a photo of the baseball field at Calvary Christian School in northern Kentucky, which is several miles down I-275 from our museum. A Creation Museum banner has been placed under the field's scoreboard, which offers some high visibility, especially as people often look at the scoreboard during a game.

On Saturday, Calvary won its game 11-1, by the way; Mark's son Chris plays on the team (he scored three times in the game). Some other AiG staff also send their children to this school, which is operated by Calvary Baptist Church, one of the most supportive churches in the entire region of the Creation Museum. (The well-known Bible teacher and radio preacher, Dr. Warren Wiersbe, was the pastor there about 35-40 years ago.)

We show you this photo of the scoreboard to let you know that we have many such visible promotional signs for the museum in various places in our Tri-State. We have a few billboards on the major interstates that cut through this region, including in Indiana and Ohio—not just in our home state of Kentucky. (Did you know that while our museum is located in Kentucky, it is within about 2-3 miles of where all three states come together?)

Over 3000 Reached Monday in Michigan

On the last day of the AiG conference in Michigan, this morning we spoke to around 1400 school students (K-12), and then last evening a full auditorium again at Richland Bible Church (around 1700 people).

1. Here is a photograph of me with the Pastor of Richland Bible Church, Pastor Larry Kiser

2. The Richland Bible Church auditorium last evening

3. Monday morning school assembly for Junior and Senior High students (at 2nd Reformed Church Kalamazoo)

4. Monday morning school assembly for Grades K-6 (at 2nd Reformed Church Kalamazoo)


Save with fear, pulling them out of the fire

(Judges 1:22-24) And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

The Lord Jesus Christ gives us a compassion for the lost and the fire of their sins that entrap them.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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