Laudation from Louisiana

by Ken Ham on January 23, 2010

Visit by John Yeats of the Louisiana Baptist Convention

Here are excerpts from an excellent article written by Dr. John Yeats, a board member with the Louisiana Baptist Convention (Southern Baptist) and its Director of Communications, on his visit to our Creation Museum; it appeared in their church newspaper for the state (mailed to 45,000 households):

When Louisiana Baptist families make out their list of ‘must see’ attraction for 2010, there is a new attraction that has educational and worldview value. Is it possible that a Christian-oriented attraction could be so well-developed and spectacular that it would be worth the investment of time and resources to travel the 800-900 miles to visit? In a word, absolutely! ...
[Visitors] experience what they would typically find in a first-class natural history museum … The museum is seen as a place where visitors, through high-tech and professional displays and presentations, receive accurate answers to their questions about the origins of life and earth. The museum also seeks to take the best of verifiable science and demonstrate its compatibility with scripture.
The Creation Museum also has an evangelistic dimension …” The Creation Museum is a superb destination for families …”

In his article, Dr. Yeats was nice enough to direct people to our website.


Well, it happened again—Friday’s Nightline TV program that was to show a brief interview with us and snippets of the Creation Museum has been bumped to Monday evening at 11:35pm Eastern and Pacific (10:35pm Central).

California AiG Conference Begins Tonight

Tonight (Saturday) I speak in Oceanside (in San Diego County) for the 1st of a number of sessions over three days in two different locations in Southern California.

"Happy Anniversary, Ken"

Yesterday in San Diego, my wife turned to me and said "Happy anniversary!" I was somewhat taken aback. Did I forget an important date? Mally reminded me: it was exactly 23 years ago that we moved to San Diego from Australia, and here we were. . .we had flown back to San Diego on the very date of January 22. By the way, I praise God for a godly wife who was so willing to be uprooted—with four small children (our fifth is American-born)—to help me here in ministry.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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