Standing up against Compromise

by Ken Ham on January 9, 2010

We made sure that I would be in town the morning that Pastor Roger Mantel spoke at our staff chapel. Roger is the founding pastor of a new church in our area, River Valley Community Church in Indiana (only a few miles from our Creation Museum in northern Kentucky). He shared with me after his devotional that he has seen many children and teens be able to understand apologetics and stand strong in their faith. Roger had read our book Already Gone, which explains why so many young people leave the church.

Roger has had his challenges with Christians who do not hold to the same straightforward view of Genesis as he and AiG hold (such as the age of the earth). It has even created some very challenging times for him, and I appreciate his willingness to take a stand and not bend.

His wife and three children were in the audience and later they all took another tour of the museum and had lunch here as our guests.

Answers in Genesis Conference in Mason, Ohio

This coming Sunday and Monday, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Jason Lisle, and I will be making presentations at a free Answers in Genesis conference in Mason, Ohio (part of the Cincinnati area).

The AiG Olympic Ministry

At the time of this writing, 87 people from 15 states and 3 countries will go to Canada in February for the Winter Olympic Games held inVancouver. These people have paid all of their own expenses to come to the Games for this missionary effort. This AiG WorldWide event will also include many folks who live in Vancouver. The AiG Team will be distributing an evangelistic booklet entitled “The Vancouver Gold Rush” (200,000 copies) and seeking opportunities to share their faith with people from around the world that will attend these Games. The AiG DVD, The Last Adam, has been given to each team member and they are viewing it several times as they prepare to use Creation Evangelism on the streets.

A local committee is working hard to prepare for all of these people coming to their city and to minister to them. Dr. Crandall, International Director of AiG WorldWide, said that this ministry will impact the lives of thousands of people as they come in contact with our AiG Olympic Team. They will also join me at a conference near Vancouver during the Olympic Games.

There are still some seats left on our two AiG leased buses, and housing is still available for anyone who would like to join this great effort of evangelism. Dr. Crandall has stated that the biggest request is for prayer as God prepares the hearts of the sport fans that we will meet.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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