Follow-up on Cincinnati Magazine Article

by Ken Ham on November 10, 2009

Recently, I gave a summary of the lengthy article that appears in this month’s edition of Cincinnati Magazine about our Creation Museum—and the visit by the 70 paleontologists who toured our museum a few months ago (they were in the area for a fossil conference).

A senior chemical engineer who works for a multi-billion-dollar Fortune 500 company wrote the following to us after he read the magazine article:

First, I am pleased at the length of coverage. Second, I was upset that the magazine attempted to portray the visiting scientists as fair, and it didn’t mention that AiG has scientists and list their PhD degrees. Third, what about all the folks like me with advanced degrees who live here in the area and support the Creation Museum, including many at my company?


PBS TV Continues Its Speculation on Human Origins

This evening the tax-supported TV network PBS shows part two of its new series on human evolution. Called Becoming Human, the PBS/NOVA documentary rehashes many of the same arguments used in an attempt to prove humankind’s ancestry from an ape-like creature. We have already written two items (here and here) on this three-part series–and our third article on the NOVA documentary is being posted today—it is largely a critique of part 1 that aired last week.

Children Respond

Despite the fact that many Christian schools in the Memphis area were out yesterday because of teacher in-service programs, hundreds of children turned out (with many adults/teens) for the two programs specially designed for students. Many homeschoolers and many who were pulled out of public school, attended the programs. I have included some photographs taken yesterday on the final day of the AiG conference in Bartlett, Tennessee—held at Faith Baptist Church.

1. Young people lined up to ask questions after the program.

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2. Even though many Christian schools in the Memphis area did not meet on Monday, the bottom floor of the large auditorium of Faith Baptist Church was nearly full for our school assembly.



My friend

(Isaiah 41:8) But you, Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

The Cross was God’s invitation to fallen man that says, “Let’s be friends.”

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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