New Gardens Open

by Ken Ham on October 2, 2009

Yesterday at 8:30 AM, the AiG staff gathered at the entrance to the new Koi pond and garden on the Creation Museum grounds—a foggy morning. AiG staff member Cecil Eggert dedicated the gardens to the glory of God. Here are some photographs:

Dan and Karen Mangus

Dan and Karen Mangus—Dan is the director of operations at the Creation Museum, and his wife Karen also works at the museum.

AiG Staff

AiG staff on the arched bridge

Dedication Ceremony

The dedication ceremony

Sheila Selby

Sheila Selby—a volunteer from Pennsylvania who has spent hours working with our landscape team

Sheila Selby

Sheila being presented with a book of photographs of the gardens compiled by Marty and Deb Minnard, AiG’s Foto FX photographers

Thanks goes to Tim Schmitt and his landscaping team for all the hard work they have put into making these gardens such a beautiful addition to our entire botanical garden for museum guests to experience. Here is a photograph of the team:

Landscaping Team

The koi seem to be coping well in their new home:

Koi Pond

Visiting from My Hometown

Josh Williamson, a Bible college student from Brisbane, Australia (my hometown), visited the Creation Museum on Wednesday—in the photo he’s in the middle wearing the dark shirt. Josh is a friend of our geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling. In the photo, he is joined by his friend Heath from Perth in Western Australia (far right), and some friends from Indiana who made their return visit to the museum.

Aussie Group

Find out more about Josh’s evangelistic ministry in Australia (and abroad).



(1 Peter 2:2) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby

We do not just wait for a desire to read the Bible; we obey the command to desire to read the Bible.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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