More Dinosaurs Coming

by Ken Ham on September 30, 2009

In between speaking at churches and conducting special programs (concerts, workshops, etc.) at the Creation Museum, dinosaur sculptor Buddy Davis is working on some new metal dinosaurs that will have a special place in the Creation Museum gardens. They will be covered in lights and be a part of the spectacular Bethlehem’s Blessings live nativity and Christmas light program. Here are some photographs of Buddy working on the new dinos:

New Metal DInosaur 001

New Metal DInosaur 002[1]
New Metal DInosaur 003







You can find out more information about the spectacular live nativity at the Creation Museum website.

Atlanta This Weekend

This Sunday, I will be speaking at the two morning services and a special evening session at First Baptist Church of Atlanta (pastored by Dr. Charles Stanley). For details, go to the AiG website.


When he looks upon it, shall live

(Numbers 21:8) And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live.

If a person is not willing to admit his sin and that the Lord Jesus Christ was made sin so he could be saved, then he becomes part and parcel of his sin and dies in it.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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