AiG at Liberty University

by Ken Ham on September 23, 2009

On Friday morning at 10:00 a.m., I will be addressing over 11,000 students at the Vine Center at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, for their morning convocation. You can find out more from the AiG calendar. Please pray for this event that can reach so many of the next generation.

Japan Report

Yesterday at a staff meeting for the AiG staff, I gave them a report with photographs of my recent speaking trip to Japan. It was a really good reminder to pray for the people of Japan—only 0.1 percent are considered Christian. Here are three photographs:

1. As I looked out of our hotel window at the buildings in the city of Tokyo (13 million people), I was reminded to pray for this nation—and burdened to do what we can to help reach these people with the creation/gospel message.


2. This is a photograph of Michiko and me—she heads up the office of the Creation Research Group that sponsored the conference I spoke at (my many talks were translated and videotaped—these DVDs will be distributed throughout Japan). Please pray for Michiko, as she works so hard in a small office but in a ministry that has such a powerful and much needed message.


3. This is a photograph of me and Pastor Horikoshi, who is working so diligently to challenge the church in Japan to stand on the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. AiG’s Carl Kerby will going to Japan soon to do a speaking tour organized by this wonderful pastor.




(Hebrews 11:15) And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

We know that there is an alluring trap to draw us from God into having a state of mind of being engaged with what we have or what we desire to have on this earth.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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