Summer Vacation?

by Ken Ham on August 30, 2009

Last week I flew over the island of Papua New Guinea on a flight from Japan (where I spoke earlier that week). Right down below, a former Answers in Genesis staff member—and the daughter of one of our excellent speakers, Dr. Tommy Mitchell—had been ministering recently. Tommy shared something of what his daughter Mary's mission work had entailed during her summer break from college:

Mary recently returned from a three-month missionary internship in Papua New Guinea, the world's second largest island and home to hundreds of distinct languages. Most of these languages have never had a single verse of Scripture translated into them. In fact, many of these languages have never been written down.

Mary, just like her father, believes that the Bible should be the foundation of our thinking in every area, yet these people, like many other Bible-less people around the world, do not have access to God¹s Word in the language they use to think and communicate. Mary spent the summer with a small group of missionary linguists who work with the Kamea people, a group of tribes with about 40,000 speakers, in the mountainous recesses of Papua New Guinea. They have developed an alphabet and written language for the Kamea.

Mary's task this summer was to type the dictionary for the Kamea and to format language primers. While Mary enters graduate school to obtain a degree in biblical languages, the missionaries there will continue the long process of translating the Bible into the heart language of these people.

Here are some photos of life in PNG. The children seemed to enjoy Mary's hand puppet.

Answers in Genesis applauds the efforts of missionaries around the world who are endeavoring to provide the Word of God to people in languages they can understand—and it’s great to know that people associated with our ministry are involved like this.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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