Moody in the Morning

by Ken Ham on August 18, 2009

About 200 people from the Chicago area were at the Creation Museum early Friday morning as a part of a WMBI (Chicago) radio contingent. This is the Christian station associated with Moody Bible Institute.

Mark Elfstrand and Dave Mitchell are seen in the photo interviewing me for their morning show—with the technical crew at the controls. In one of the photos, the mastodon is our studio audience—then the 200 people in the group arrived a few minutes later and “watched” me on the radio as I took calls from WMBI listeners. I also spoke to the radio group at a special 9:00 AM session in our Special Effects Theater, and then they remained for a Men in White showing.

Interview with WMBI Interview with WMBI

Carl Kerby, author of Remote Control, was on the radio before me during the 7:00 AM hour (6:00 AM Chicago time)—he has been on the morning program before. And then Jason Lisle (photo) closed out the morning program by answering callers’ questions (including about astronomy, his specialty), and he talked about his new book (it’s selling well) The Ultimate Proof of Creation.

Interview with WMBI

One WMBI listener challenged me about the age of the earth saying that there are “precise” measurements on the earth’s age that give long ages—and that there is no dispute among scientists about that. He also declared that the RATE project (conducted by creationist scientists to show a young earth) had flaws. By the way, you can read Dr. Lisle’s summary of the RATE project here.

For more information about this large Christian radio station and its morning program, go to their website.

Visit the Creation Museum groups page for information on booking groups to come to the museum.

God’s Design for Science Curriculum Gets High Marks

Answers in Genesis publishes a science curriculum called God's Design For Science (grades 1–8) that has been receiving rave reviews. Here is one we got last week:

I had some exciting news yesterday, and I wanted to share it with you. Last year was our 2nd year using AiG science; it was my son’s first year to be tested. He was tested with the BJU version of the Stanford Achievement tests.

The first year I had two students using your science; last year just my son. He loves science, and he loves AiG science. He was in 4th grade last year, and I was really concerned that the information was coming to fast and furious for him; I even stopped giving him the quizzes and tests. Sometimes we would do a quiz out loud. I decided that as he really enjoyed it, and I could tell he was learning. . . .

Yesterday we received the results of his testing. He had scored in the 90th percentile. We were really excited. Thanks for doing such a great job.

The God’s Design series is a highly regarded, complete science curriculum for grades 1 through 8. It covers life science, earth science, physical science, chemistry, and ecology. In the award-winning, full-color student curriculum, the lessons are short, easy to teach, and take a hands-on approach—using ordinary household items for experiments and activities.

But easy does not mean lacking in substance; God’s Design textbooks and the all-new teacher supplements and CDs are comprehensive. Most importantly, God’s Design authors Debbie and Richard Lawrence approach science from a biblical worldview, emphasizing God’s handiwork in the world around us and showing how real science supports biblical authority and the Genesis account of creation.

An entire 8-year elementary and middle-school science curriculum, the God’s Design science series . . . .

  • has a strong biblical worldview
  • is multi-level (easy to use with multiple children and different ages)
  • is flexible and works with all learning styles
  • requires minimal teacher preparation
  • teaches critical thinking skills
  • includes fun hands-on activities with every lesson
  • is written by seasoned homeschoolers
Find out more about this curriculum (and many other curricula) at Answers in Genesis’s online bookstore.

Bible College/Seminary Compromise

I hope you will read today’s lead web article about how one denomination is being infected with compromise teaching—where evolution is being taught as fact in most (if not all) of its colleges and seminaries.



(Psalm 10:4) The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

The characteristic difference between us and the lost is how we face problems. For us God is in our calculations; for the lost God is not in their calculations.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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