NEA Report

by Ken Ham on July 11, 2009

For the last 13 years, Answers in Genesis has had the thrilling opportunity to be invited by a particular Caucus (the only way to exhibit at this conference) to participate in exhibiting resources at the largest conference of public school educators in the world. Recently the NEA (National Educators Conference) was held in San Diego, California. A team from AiG (involving staff and supporters) travelled to the NEA convention to engage people in conversation and challenge them concerning the truth of God’s Word. Also this year, animal trainer Dan Breeding brought some animals as talking points and to attract people to the booth.

Over $65,000 in resources were given away to public school educators—DVDs, books, etc. There is no doubt this has been a great witnessing opportunity for our staff and supporters to graciously challenge these educators concerning the Christian faith.

Our team was lead by one of our IT staff, Tony Ramsek. I do praise the Lord for staff who love the Lord and so want to do what they can to share their Christian faith with others.

I have included a number of photographs taken at this year’s NEA convention:

NEA Banner NEA bird display NEA gator display NEA snake display NEA lemur display NEA display NEA Setup NEA turtle display

Members of our staff are already making plans for next year’s convention.

Pray that the resources given out will bear much fruit.

New Resources Impacting Lives

We are now receiving lots of feedback concerning our latest two publications, Already Gone, and Ultimate Proof. I have included a testimony concerning each for you:

1. Already Gone:

I finished your book . . . . We have felt the way you do for years and fought the battle with several churches . . . . I'm going to pick up a bunch of copies of "Already Gone" and start passing them out to people I know. If the Church (the body of Christ) does not change and soon, it will disappear as a factor in American life . . . . I was greatly encouraged after reading your book because I have sensed in my own heart what you're saying . . . . There's no question in my mind that . . . it's obvious that AiG is cutting deep into Satan's territory. We pray for you often. . . . Our spiritual lives will never be the same because we now know that our faith has been and will continue to be based on facts, not blind faith alone . . . . Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being such a great role model for me.
2. Ultimate Proof
The Ultimate Proof is a great tool for equipping people to give an answer to people who have been inundated with evolutionism. The instructions, examples, and training in this book enables people to be confident not only in their own belief but in the ability to speak to those deceived into thinking they don't need a Savior. He really went to the heart of the debate, not that interpreting the evidence is no longer important, it truly is! But to end the deadlock of differing world views and open the eyes of the blind is a God-send. Many others have contributed arguments to make this collection, but the finished product is something that needs to spread through our churches. Too long have we let the schools try to teach morals, reason, history, and origins. We are reaping what was sown and if our following generations are to have a fighting chance to combat these ideologies they must be taught this by the church now.

You can order both books as single copies, or the two of them for a special price, or discounted bulk copies (packs of 10 or case lots) from the AiG online bookstore.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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