Presidential Visits

by Ken Ham on June 21, 2009

No—not the President of the USA! Imagine what the press would say if he ever visited the Creation Museum!!

Three college presidents have toured the Creation Museum in the past four weeks. The most recent one was on Friday—Dr. Robert Imhoff of Mid-Continent University, who came here at the suggestion of his colleague Faris Sahawneh (a computer science instructor at the school; as a former museum visitor, he has become huge museum booster). This Southern Baptist-affiliated school is located in western Kentucky. See

Also, on Thursday, Dr. Bob and Elaine Kohl of South Dakota visited us with two of their grandsons (who live in Ohio). The Kohls have been friends of our Answers in Genesis ministry from the very beginning—some 15 years ago. Here is a photo of the 4 of them, with our CCO Mark Looy (on the far right). Their son Clint teaches computer engineering at Cedarville University in Ohio, and Bob himself is a former plant scientist at a university in South Dakota.


Happy Father’s Day from Ephesus, Turkey

David and Diana Crandall spent Father’s Day in the ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey. They have been re-reading the book of the Bible named after the city. Several biblical thoughts raced through their minds as they literally stood where the Apostle Paul stood to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the pagan city. They recalled Paul’s words to “HONOR YOUR FATHER” on this very special day of the year in the U.S.

It should be noted that Paul wasted no time in the book to mention creation to the Ephesians’. In fact in Ephesians 1:4 Paul wrote: “For He chose us in Him before the CREATION of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Later as he wrote to the Ephesus Church he reminded them: “who (God) created all things” Ephesians 3: 9.

As Dr. Crandall wrote to me from Turkey: “It has been an exciting day as we have walked in the steps of the Apostle Paul.

New Pocket Guides

I praise the Lord for AiG’s diligent staff who continue to produce Bible-affirming and evangelistic resources to help disseminate the creation/gospel message. The latest are pocket guides! Looking for a tool that goes more in-depth than a booklet, but don’t have time to sit down and read a book on the topic? Our pocket guides are 96-pages each, contain concise, thorough answers, and are the perfect size to carry in your purse, suit, or Bible cover. Collect the entire series.


The Global Flood Pocket Guide Can we really believe the biblical account of a global flood? Is there evidence in the earth that confirms the biblical account? How was Grand Canyon formed? Filled with concise and powerful answers, this pocket guide answers these and other questions. If the biblical account of a worldwide Flood is accurate, the evidence should confirm this earth-changing event. It does! Softcover. 96 pages. Find out more. Noah’s Ark Pocket Guide Can we really believe the biblical account of Noah’s Ark? How could the Ark hold all those animals? How could Noah care for all the animals? What did Noah’s Ark look like? Combining the latest research with careful biblical scholarship, experts show why we can trust the biblical account of Noah’s Ark. Softcover. 96 pages. Find out more. Social Issues Pocket Guide Is it wrong to abort a baby? What does the Bible say about same-sex marriages? Is racism wrong? Where do human rights come from? How do we know what is moral? The Bible addresses these issues and many more. This pocket guide to social issues will equip you to answer important social questions and bring hope to a lost world. Softcover. 96 pages. Find out more. Charles Darwin Pocket Guide What ideas influenced Charles Darwin? Did his daughter’s death turn him from Christianity? Was Darwin a real scientist? What is the connection between Darwin and racism? This pocket guide will give you the answers to questions about Darwin’s life, his tragic legacy, and show you why you can’t just add evolution to the Bible. Softcover. 96 pages. Find out more. The Bible Pocket Guide Is the Bible missing any books? Who wrote the Bible? Isn’t the Bible full of mistakes? Why are there 66 books in the Bible? What is the central message of the Bible? The Bible itself claims to contain the very words of God and to be sufficient for understanding the world in which we live. This pocket guide reveals where the Bible came from and provides answers to your questions. Softcover. 96 pages. Find out more.

You can order the pocket guides from the AiG online bookstore.

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