They Traveled a Total of 163,602 Miles

by Ken Ham on March 24, 2009

Today we are happy to welcome 12 international guests that are here for Answers in Genesis’s International Training Seminar. They will spend the week being trained by AiG staff and equipped to present the creation/gospel messages in their respective countries.

This morning, we enjoyed a flag ceremony and got to meet each of these very special guests during the chapel time. These folks have traveled a combined total of 163,602 miles to be at AiG for this training time. Please pray for them as they get over jet lag and are plunged into a very vigorous schedule.

We will have some photographs and other news item about this tremendous event during the week.


I know most of you could not be in Seminole, Florida, with us for the conference (but I know many were praying for this time)—however, I can help you experience the conference somewhat with this series of photographs (one of the photographs is of the senior pastor, Jerry Lancaster, and me):

Ukrainian Creation Ministry

I told you of Creation Museum visitor Dimitry (“Dima”) Kurovsky several days ago, who is back home in Europe after a business trip to the United States and a tour of our museum. Even though he now lives in the Netherlands and is engaged in international trade, he oversees a rather impressive creation ministry back in his homeland of Ukraine.

Dima (as his friends call him) wrote us back—here are some excerpts:

I wanted to thank all of the team for your warm welcome and hospitality. What a blessing it was for me to get to know you all and to visit museum. Your ministry is so important—it’s of God! Please keep on doing what you do, only with doubled efforts. . . .
[After going through the museum], I realised and felt experientially the importance of Genesis even deeper (it’s kind of at a fundamental level, so can’t even express in words). In fact, what can be more important in the whole universe and eternity than God and His truth of Creation and the Gospel?
God bless you.


We encourage you to take a peek at his Russian-language website (even if the majority of you can’t read or understand it!) and see the quality of his site. In fact, if you know any Russian speakers, consider forwarding this link to them.



(Genesis 20:2) And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah.

In spite of the fact that we fall into the same sins and suffer the same consequences, the Lord Jesus Christ graciously does not cast us off; He waits for us to learn.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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