On Saturday, as David Menton and I were wrapping up our speaking tour of England and Scotland, things were busy back at the Creation Museum (over 1,600 guests that day).
On Sunday, our new Darwin/natural selection exhibit opened. Above is a photo of that new exhibit.
Staff member Michael Caines is seen hanging international flags in the main hall of the museum—in preparation of the several Christian leaders coming soon for our International Training Seminar.
A man named Israel visited on Saturday–he was here to celebrate his recent 105th birthday. Although Israel is nearly blind, he still witnesses to anyone who will listen and passes out gospel tracts.
Staff member Stan VanDiver and Rick Teepan (Rick leads our very popular “Snakes Alive!” class at the museum) showed some slithery creatures to museum guests in the main hall for all to see. This usually creates quite a stir, as people of all ages (well, but maybe not everyone!) like to touch and admire them.
Dr. Georgia Purdom of our staff is one of the instructors in our online program, and she sent me the following fascinating story:
Aimee F., who is involved in our online training program, recently sent me this email. Her son Justin is in the first grade at a public school.
I wanted to show you what Justin wrote for his “I have a dream” paper. I had nothing to do with this whatsoever. He did it totally at school. I went in one day to help in the class and his teacher goes: “I want to show you something.” She is not a Christian to my knowledge, but was totally fine with him writing this and thought it was very interesting!
The part that I thought was really interesting is hard to read because of his spelling. But on the rough draft it says something to the affect of “The evolutionists crushed schools through all of history and I don’t want to get crushed with it.” I've never said those words, but he’s obviously deduced that. I was completely surprised! I did have to laugh!!! I bet there aren't many first grade teachers who get papers about secular humanism in schools!
I’ve attached the final version of his paper. It looks like he’s already planning to be a speaker for Answers in Genesis!
Thanks, Georgia. It is so encouraging to see Aimee (and many other parents) being influenced by AiG resources like our online courses—giving their children the proper foundation in God’s Word. And it’s encouraging to see the willingness of a young child to want to tell others about the truths of the Bible—from the very first verse.
AiG is excited to partner with The Master’s College, founded by our friend Dr. John MacArthur (pastor of Grace Community Church). TMC is one of the few remaining Christian colleges that takes a stand on a six-day creation and teaches the importance of a literal Genesis. If you are looking for a solid college or seminary, be sure to consider The Master’s College.
Lee Duncan, Dean of Administration at TMC, stated:
If you are not familiar with our online courses, be sure to check them out. They are a fantastic way to deepen your understanding of biblical creation and get equipped to teach others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. AiG’s online courses are taken by homeschool students, Christian school teachers (with CEUs available through ACSI), youth pastors and other church staff, church lay leaders, and many lay Christians who desire to understand and communicate the truths of creation more.I am excited to have this arranged, and we deeply appreciate the impact that AiG is having in the Christian community. I hope that this will just be the start of a close friendship between AiG and TMC that will promote the biblical account of creation around the world. . . . [W]e are so thrilled to see how God is blessing AiG and extending your influence worldwide; it is a privilege to be a partner with you.
Here is what one of our students said about a recent course he completed:
This apologetics course is one of the best learning tools in which I have ever participated. The variety of ways the material has been presented has been so practical and continues to reinforce the arguments for a literal interpretation of Genesis. Although each assignment is different, they give us opportunities to “practice” what we have learned through the reading assignments and videos. Needless to say, it has been very challenging, but extremely rewarding.
—J.H., Illinois
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.