A School That Teaches Critical Thinking And A Biblical Worldview

by Ken Ham on March 15, 2009

Recently Mike Riddle, one of our popular speakers, had the opportunity to teach at Harford Christian School in Darlington, Maryland. The school, with over 40 teaching faculty, reaches more than 400 students and teaches the truth of the Genesis account of creation (including 6 literal creation days) and challenges students to think biblically and critically regarding their worldview. During the sessions with Mike, students were obviously well-trained to ask challenging questions about evolution.

The principal, Bryon Wilson, said:

AiG has been a tremendous storehouse of truthful answers for our school ministry. AiG speakers have provided on-site training to our staff and special assemblies for our students. A wealth of printed materials and DVDs are outstanding resources for our ministry community.

Resources Resources

While in Maryland, Mike also had the opportunity to do another “Teacher Training” course for 46 teachers and parents. These courses average 50 students per class and have been conducted nationwide (plus Canada). For more information about the course, go to www.Train2Equip.com.

Riddle in Alaska

Mike recently traveled to Fairbanks, Eagle River, and Anchorage, Alaska. In Fairbanks, Mike presented a series of lectures at the University of Fairbanks as well as at the McGrath Road Baptist Church. In Eagle River, Mike conducted a Christian Teacher Training course to a record number of 81 students. Since starting the course in May 2008, over 500 people have been trained in this one-day intensive course.

Mike Riddle

Creation/Flood in the News

Two recent items of note that appeared in newspapers recently. First, "The Tucson (Arizona) Citizen" did a story on the fine work of creationist Grand Canyon tour guide, Tom Vail, and the raft trips he hosts down the Colorado River—he does a few with us each year. The piece is at:


Find out more about the two seats that just became available in Tom's April raft trip (done in conjunction with us) by reading Friday's blog. This is an incredible trip, with a lot of creationist teaching (by expert geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling).

On Wednesday, a front-page story in the Washington Post—perhaps America's number 2 paper in influence (after the New York Times—featured our friends Drs. David DeWitt and Marcus Ross of Liberty University and how they conduct creationist tours of the Smithsonian's natural history museum:


Our Answers magazine also got a mention!

From the Creation Museum to Iraq


The young woman in the photo is Sarah, who is shipping out today as part of the Army Reserves to serve in Northern Iraq. While there, she will spend fifteen months helping to build roads for the Iraqi people. Her husband Jason and their two-year-old daughter enjoyed going through the museum on Friday—she especially enjoyed the Garden of Eden room inside the museum.

Sarah, who is from Cincinnati, told us that her sister came to the museum a while ago, and told her it was fantastic—and that she just had to see it, too.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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