Spring is on the Way

by Ken Ham on March 13, 2009

As I am nearing the end of my speaking tour of England (with a meeting tonight at London’s Westminster Chapel), I wanted to let you know that back home in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, the weather warmed up earlier this week (in the high 70s on Tuesday). As a result, Creation Museum visitors got to see a hint of Spring on our beautiful 47-acre property. In this photo, you see some crocuses—our first blooms at the museum this year. The museum entrance is in the background.


Next month should be gorgeous here on the museum site. Yes, spring is on the way! Plan to visit us.

Update on U.K. Speaking Tour

We spoke to over 700 people in London on Thursday evening–a very large number for a Bible seminar nowadays in the U.K. Some wonderful stories, including an unusual one: a man who said he was not a Christian or creationist told me he came all the way from Germany to hear Dr. Menton and me, saying that while he didn’t necessarily believe our messages, he was open-minded. He had been following the AiG ministry and was aware of my talks. Then, a man who does street evangelism in England spoke to me and said that he uses AiG booklets (like “Is There Really a God?”) in his witnessing and has found them to be highly effective.

Answers in Genesis Accredited by Local BBB

BBB Award

Chad Frank of the member services dept. of the local Better Business Bureau hands our CFO, Jim Hatton, a plaque that signifies that our ministry is an accredited charity, a step up from our previous designation.

We’ve just been accredited by the local Better Business Bureau, which authorizes us to display the BBB Accredited Charity Seal (see the photo, where the plaque with that designation is being given to us). Jim Hatton, our CFO, has ensured that we met BBB’s 20 comprehensive “Standards for Charity Accountability.”

This regional BBB serves Southern Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeastern Indiana, and, according to the BBB, this office:

“provides comprehensive information on nearly 800 local charities. Its affiliate, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, reports on nearly 1,000 charities that solicit throughout the country. Together, your BBB throughout the US and Canada provide comprehensive information on thousands of charities and offers expert advice to assist donors with making wise giving decisions.”

You may already be aware that Answers in Genesis is also a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability).

Raft Adventure: Two Seats Just Opened

I mentioned it yesterday, but I wanted to bring it up again because time is getting short. I want to emphasize what an incredible experience this raft trip through the Grand Canyon is (I speak from experience) and what a wonderful learning opportunity awaits you.

Two spots just opened for our April 24–May 2 raft trip through the Canyon and on its Colorado River. I went on a shortened version of this trip about three years ago, and it was unforgettable. The magnificent scenery is only matched by the learning experience of hearing how this Canyon provides great testimony to the reliability of the Bible and its account of Noah’s Flood.

The guide is geologist Andrew Snelling, who is only one of a handful of creationist geologists who knows this part of the world extremely well. Andrew is a wonderful communicator, and he’s also my Australian colleague at AiG. A great guy.

These trips typically fill up months ahead; so, if you were considering signing up a few months ago and this April trip was already full, try again! Find out more at:



Life Goal

(Ecclesiastes 5:10) He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver

(Psalms 91:16) With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

A life goal of making money will never bring satisfaction; only a deep, saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ satisfies.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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