Whose Birthday Is It?

by Ken Ham on February 12, 2009

Well today is the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, born in Kentucky on this day in 1809. And it is also the birthday of Charles Darwin, also born February 12, 1809.

Because this year is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary (later this year) of his book On the Origin of Species, secularists are pushing Darwinian evolution and celebrating Darwin as never before. It’s almost like Darwin worship around the globe (even posting “praise” billboards about the man.

Yesterday, I had four radio interviews and two newspaper interviews because of the emphasis on Darwin right now in the secular world. As part of AiG’s contribution to defending the Christian faith and upholding the authority of God’s Word in this Darwin year, our second Answers for Darwin conference (free to the public) will be held in Lynchburg, Virginia, this coming Sunday through Tuesday. Dr. Jason Lisle will also be speaking at an AiG conference in Richmond, Virginia, Saturday and Sunday a.m. with me. You can find the relevant details for the Richmond conference and the Answers For Darwin conference from the AiG website.

Quote of the Week!

While being interviewed by a reporter yesterday in regard to Darwin issues, I was asked something like this: “If Jesus were still alive, what would He say about Genesis?” My answer went something like this: “Jesus is still alive—He is a risen Savior!”

The reporter immediately realized what I was saying—he was very congenial. And I went on to explain that in Matthew 19, Jesus quoted from Genesis as literal history to explain the doctrine of marriage.

AiG Team At National Religious Broadcasters Conference

Because of our radio program, website, television showings, and video translations for foreign television, AiG has become a media ministry and thus has increasingly become involved in the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) organization. For several years now we have had a fairly large booth in the exhibit hall in order to help us connect with the hundreds of station managers that carry the “Answers . . . with Ken Ham” daily radio program and to answer questions they and others have about all sorts of biblical subjects. This week we had more visitors to our booth than ever!

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Of course we also display materials about the Creation Museum because some radio and television stations have organized entire busloads of listeners who travel here. (The convention was in Nashville again this year, attended by about 4,000 people from all over the world.)

Freedoms at Risk

The NRB is an important association in that it strives to help ensure that electronic Christian media (radio, web, and television) will continue to have the freedom to communicate the truths of Scripture. But our freedoms are very much at risk this year since the new administration has pledged to put highly restrictive policies into place.

These policies are designed to force Christian media to give time for un-Christian viewpoints (something deceptively named the “fairness doctrine”), including such things as homosexual marriage! This could directly impact a station’s willingness to carry programs such as ours, which speaks out against homosexual behavior and adultery and other life-issues that are directly addressed in Scripture. (Some ministries have already begun creating alternative programs for use in Canada, where this sort of legislation has already been enacted!)

Our team at NRB included Mark Looy, our Chief Communications Officer, and Dale Mason, our VP of Marketing & Media (which includes AiG’s radio program and websites). Both Mark and Dale were kept quite busy in meetings. Both reported to me that it is amazing what God is quietly doing to impact the beliefs of some very key Christian and government leaders on the subjects of biblical authority and creation. To guard their privacy as they work through serious questions we will not mention their names in this public format, but pray that these leaders will continue to grow in their conviction regarding the Bible’s clear teachings on these foundational issues!

I usually attend the NRB conference, but this year I was a speaker at our first Answers for Darwin conference in California and was not able to be present.

Here are a few photos taken both at our booth and in various meetings. My special appreciation to the dark-haired young man, Ben Wilt. He leads the audio department here at AiG, and his people were responsible for design of the booth as well as ongoing recording and editing of the “Answers” radio program! (Good job, Ben and Aaren—and Cindy and Renee, too!)

The team is now back in Kentucky and will spend many hours following up on opportunities and ideas to get the message of the truth and authority of the Bible out to millions more throughout America and, indeed, the world!


Aaren and Cindy


Ben, Mark, Dale, Renee, Karen


Renee and Mark


Karen and Dale


Ben and station manager



(2 Chronicles 14:11) And Asa cried unto the LORD his God, and said, LORD, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O LORD our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O LORD, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee.

We triumph over our obstacles when we are convinced of 2 things: God’s love for us revealed at the Cross and the nothingness of our challenges for God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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