Another Large Family Visits the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on December 30, 2008

Some of you may remember the well-known Dugger family who visited the Creation Museum recently. They had 17 children (now 18) and are featured in a TV program seen on The Learning Channel. One of their programs was filmed as they visited the Creation Museum.

Well another large family visited the Creation Museum last Saturday. Shell and Beth Hoskinson of Clarksburg, West Virginia, visited the museum on December 27. They brought fourteen of their fifteen children with them. Seventeen in a family might seem large to most, but to Shell and Beth, it’s just right.

They started with just one child of their own—then six years ago they grew, rather suddenly, by fostering a single family of five children. Jumping from one to six children was quite a leap, but then two years ago their home and hearts grew by nine more when a judge asked them to foster another family of children. They just didn’t have the heart to let them get split up.

The children range in ages from two to twenty-three years. Shell will tell you they’re ordinary people. They teach all of the children biblical truth, and they attend the Clarksburg Baptist Church. They love the Creation Museum. Shell plans to return for another visit with just the older children so they can have more time to study the content of the museum in more depth.

When asked what the challenges are in raising such a large family, he said, “If you didn’t ask them to do homework or chores, it would be a piece of cake.” Organizing everyone’s schedules is a real challenge too. They keep a huge calendar on the wall for sports, classes, and recreation. Laundry is a constant challenge to keep up to date. He said he has literally spent hours at a time pairing socks.

We are truly glad that this unique and happy family took the time in their busy schedule to visit with us, and we look forward to seeing them again.

I have included a photograph of the family taken at the Creation Museum.


2000 Visitors at Creation Museum Monday

Yesterday, nearly 2000 people visited the Creation Museum—that’s around 6500 visitors since Friday. I thought it would be good for you to see some of the groups and families who came over the past few days.

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The Venom and Antivenom

(1 Peter 5:5–6) Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

Pride is the venom from that snake Satan which, if not treated, overcomes us and cuts us off from the life of God, but humility is the antivenom which stops the poison.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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