The Hope Kids

by Ken Ham on December 29, 2008

We first met the Hard family this past July at the AiG family conference in Branson, Missouri. They shared with us how they used AiG materials to teach inner-city children that have no hope in Memphis, Tennessee. They affectionately called these children the “Hope Kids,” ranging in age from 7 to 13 years. We encouraged them to bring the Hope Kids to see the Creation Museum (compliments of AiG, of course—part of our mission outreach) because it would be a life-changing day for them.

At that time they had no way to bring all of these children; so, they began to pray for a large vehicle. God provided them a free 15-passenger van that needed some repair work. A local garage repaired the van for them at no charge to help them as well. They called us and told us they wanted to come, but they needed a place to stay. A local church in the area was kind enough to house all 17 of them. The trip was on!

Upon their arrival they were all wearing shirts that said, “We don’t believe in evolution”–along with their names and 1 Peter 3:15 with a cross. They sang three Buddy Davis songs and then went through the 7C’s of history, quoting verses for each C. At the end of their presentation they sang the “Thank You” song. Tears flowed down our faces as we listened to their heart-felt gratitude for how the Lord has used AiG to impact each of them.

We then took them to the planetarium, the SFX theatre, the Creation Walk, The Last Adam theater, a Buddy Davis concert, and “The Road to Bethlehem” Christmas presentation. After a very full day, when asked what was their favorite part of the Creation Museum, they said, “All of it!”

On Sunday the group attended the local church that housed them, along with several of our staff and sang one last song before gathering in a circle for prayer and heading off back to Memphis. The Hard and Luke family have already spent many hours teaching these children using the Answers Academy materials and other AiG resources. They said it is amazing how well they can defend their faith in school and with their friends.

Please pray for the Hope Kids and their leaders as they seek a church that has a heart for the inner city and also that embraces the one blood message (Acts 17:26 teaches that there are no races, and that we’re of “one blood”). We truly thank the Lord for these precious children and the blessing they were to us. It makes everything we do worth it!

By supporting AiG with prayer and donations, this is just one example of our supporters enabling us to reach people with the wonderful creation/gospel message.

I have included some photographs taken of the Hope Kids:

1. Here are two photos with our singer and dinosaur model builder, Buddy Davis.

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2. A photo of myself with the group and also one of the Roman soldiers from the Creation Museum Christmas Celebration program


3. This photo has the Hope Kids looking at one of the scary dinosaurs—the favorite photo background from our Photo FX booth.

creation-museum-dinos.jpgThanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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