Pray for God’s Work in America

by Ken Ham on December 4, 2008

Not only do we hear of layoffs and severe cutbacks in the secular arena because of the economic woes in America, we are hearing of more and more Christian organizations that are suffering also. AiG is no exception. We just ask for your prayers that God’s work will not be hindered in America because of the economic crisis that has not only hit this nation, but is having a global effect.

If you have never signed up to be a prayer partner with AiG, could I ask you to do so and commit to praying specially for this ministry and other ministries throughout the nation? You can sign up to be a prayer partner at our special prayer page.

Also, let’s pray for those that launched the attack over the Cincinnati Zoo and Creation Museum business deal. We should not be angry at these people—they are not fighting against us. They are shaking their fists at a infinitely powerful God, who loved us so much that he sent his Son to suffer the judgment of our sin so that we can be saved for eternity.

Some of these atheists in their blogs were yelling at God—mocking Him—taunting Him—just like they did when they crucified our Savior. Oh, how long-suffering our God is, not willing that any should perish. Yes, let’s pray for these people who, despite their arrogant, defiant outbursts, are miserable people empty of purpose and meaning. They need a touch from the Lord. Pray that their eyes will be opened and their hearts humbled to receive the free gift of salvation. And for any of them reading this blog (as many do), “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

Emperor’s New Clothes

We have received many comments over the zoo/museum controversy. This one came from England:

In response to the furor over your partnership with the [Cincinnati] Zoo, I’d like to make the following comment. When I read Ken’s blog I was immediately reminded of the story of the King’s [Emperor’s] New clothes by Hans Christian Anderson. Everybody wished to be thought wise so they all praised the “invisible” suit of clothes.

It would appear that many evolutionists fall into the same category, with so much “invisible” evidence they still praise goo-to-you fairy tales and then complain that creationists are unreasonable. [The] Bible puts it very succinctly “Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.”

I am full of admiration for the tireless work that AiG puts into the cause of upholding the scriptures from the very first verse; long may your endeavours continue to be blessed of God. Our prayers for the speakers and all the staff are heartfelt and sincere.

We do have a tireless working staff. And the reason is because we know God has called us to this mission—to go into all the world and preach the gospel. We want to see people saved to be in Heaven with us—that is what it is all about.

Devotion: All

(1 Chronicles 9:1) So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and, behold, they were written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, who were carried away to Babylon for their transgression.

Reading genealogies is walking through a graveyard & seeing that because of personal sin, “In Adam all die,” but thank God that “in Christ shall all be made alive.”

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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