Duggars Creation Museum Program November 3

by Ken Ham on October 26, 2008

Some of you may have heard of the Duggar family—I wrote about them in a previous blog. They are a large home school family in Arkansas whose various exploits are shown on The Learning Channel/Discovery Network TV. The Duggars visited the Creation Museum a few weeks ago. The program re this visit will be aired on November 3 at 10 pm EST. You can get program information at http://tlc.discovery.com/tv/17-kids-and-counting/duggar-family.html


Last night, as I walked down to the front of the Michigan auditorium to speak, a man in the front row said, “I want to thank you for the ministry of AiG. My son (who was sitting next to him) was saved as a result of the Lord using the AiG ministry in his life.”

That certainly makes it all worthwhile!


AiG has just released a new apologetics series on DVD. Last year apologist Brian Edwards from England spoke at an AiG conference and we recorded his apologetics talks. Post-production has now been completed. These programs will really help people know how to answer questions concerning how the Bible came to be—why 66 books—what does it mean that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, etc. I urge all of you to order this new set of vital teaching programs to equip Christians to be able to defend the faith—and challenge non-Christians concerning the truth of God’s Word.

I speak in Columbus, Ohio, tonight at another worldview conference. Around 1000 are registered (about 1000 were registered for the program last night in Lansing).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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