So Long Saipan

by Ken Ham on September 26, 2008

A report from Dr. Tommy Mitchell on the island of Saipan—he and his wife (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell) and staff member Laura Perrien will be returning in a few hours from their medical missions trip, with some other ministry while there on this famous island (known for an intense WWII battle and mass suicide).

Greeting from Saipan, where America’s day begins. During the last two weeks AiG's days have begun here too!
The Saipan team has completed the medical outreach portion of the trip. Tuesday evening the final patients were seen. We have spent time dealing with infections and allergy problems primarily over the last couple of days. A big issue here is helping new students deal with the change in climate and change in diet. Counseling about preventative health issues has been a theme throughout the clinics.


The nightly seminars will continued through Friday night. We have had a full house every evening for the sessions. The kids from the local community school have been on the front row each night, armed with many, many questions. One child has even started bringing his unsaved mother to the talks. Liz has spent a lot of time witnessing to her.
Each presentation has been translated into Chinese, but this has not thus far seemed to be a problem. The language barrier has been overcome. It seems that my southern drawl is much easier to translate than Ken’s Australian accent!


The ESL [English as a Second Language] classes continue to go well. Laura has thoroughly enjoyed teaching, and the students continue to eagerly practice their English in the evenings at the seminars. One recent topic in class was the difference between the phrases “good evening” and “Good night.” One of the students had been going around greeting everyone at church saying, “Good night!” The funny part was that once the students understood the difference and that “good night” is used as a way to say “goodbye,” when Laura left class (in the middle of the afternoon), one student jokingly said, “Good night!”
With students like that, you can understand why she enjoys teaching the class!
The team will leave for the states very early Saturday morning, travel for about 27 hours, and arrive in Kentucky on Saturday afternoon. Oh, the joys of the international date-line. Please pray for travel mercies for a very weary team!
—Dr. Tommy Mitchell, MD

An In-depth Devotional

Typically, a local pastor comes to AiG each week to give a devotional to our staff to start off one of our work days. On Tuesday, one of the “meatiest” devotionals in recent times was given by a businessman, Mr. Jack Maybury, president of Derringer Co. of Cincinnati (a catering and vending business).

Mr. Maybury “unpacked” many of the truths found in 1 Peter 2:9–10 as he presented an encouragement to the staff. It reads:

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
A few staff remarked afterward that not even many pastors are capable of going in-depth as much as this businessman and good friend of AiG!


Shower of Blessing

The ministry had a baby shower on Monday for long-time staff member Stacia McKeever (of our Educational Resources Development Team). It was held here in the AiG offices during after-hours. Dinner was provided for the ladies (lasagna and salad). Stacia and husband Seth are expecting a boy in October.

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Our help

(2 Samuel 18:8) For the battle was there scattered over the face of all the country: and the wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.

Our help arises more from what is not under our control than from what is under our control so that we might understand that the Lord is our helper.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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