Life in a Drop of Jungle

by Ken Ham on September 13, 2008

Creation Museum visitors on Friday had the opportunity to view “Life in a drop of Jungle,” Dr. David Menton’s special workshop using AiG's new video microscope. (AiG staff also got a special preview during a morning staff meeting.)

People are not only fascinated by the microscopic world, but challenged and thrilled by Dr. Menton's teaching that leaves one without excuse for believing in the God of creation, just as Romans 1:20 teaches.

Here are some photos of Dr. Menton's workshop. Check the Creation Museum calendar for times when Dr. Menton will be giving this fascinating workshop.

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Recreation Vehicle Group

Over 60 members of a Recreational Vehicle group (they all drive what are called “Vixens”—not very many were manufactured, so it’s something of an exclusive club) visited the Creation Museum on Friday. We have many different types of groups of people from all across the USA and around the world visiting the Creation Museum. Here is a photograph of some of the Recreational Vehicle group as they visited yesterday:


Dragon Invades Bookstore

A dragon has invading the Dragon Hall bookstore at the Creation Museum. This will be a fascinating exhibit for all ages. I have included some photographs of the Dragon as it was being installed.

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Speaking in Jackson Wyoming

I will be speaking twice at Community Bible Church in Jackson , Wyoming, tomorrow morning. For the Sunday school hour I will be speaking on Creation Evangelism. For the morning service I will be giving my personal testimony and the history of the AiG ministry. You can obtain information from the events calendar of the AiG website.


Strange and not like others
(1 Samuel 8:20) That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.
By choosing the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior – to others we have made ourselves strange and not like other people & we should accept that.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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