The Chicago-Creation Museum Connection

by Ken Ham on September 7, 2008

One of our staff members noticed something a little out of the ordinary at the museum the past two days: many people were spotted wearing blue caps with a red “C” on them, and some were wearing shirts that had the same "C" on their chest but with a baby bear depicted inside the “C.” So what was going on? Have you solved the riddle yet?

The baseball team the Chicago “Cubs” has been playing our Cincinnati Reds this weekend (less than 20 minutes from our museum), and apparently many of the Cubs’ fans made the 5-hour drive from Chicago to watch their beloved team play in Cincinnati and also to visit our museum. I have been told that the Chicago Cubs have not won the World Series in 100 years, but that they are playing well and may have a good shot this year. Many of their loyal fans are following the team as it travels and plays around the country.

The Creation Museum is quickly becoming a major tourist destination in the Midwest. And with several things to do in our Cincinnati area, many people (probably a lot of non-Christians) are checking out the museum while they take in a ballgame, visit the famous Cincinnati Zoo, go to the huge amusement park called King's Island, walk through the excellent aquarium in Newport (Kentucky), etc.


To understand this hilarious real-life conversation and the response from a young child—you have to know that young Mary (4-year-old daughter of AiG supporters) has, as her father told us, “been watching the AiG ‘kid’s’ video (Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel with Ken Ham and Buddy Davis), endlessly and has it about memorized!” In that video, I teach children to say “billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth.” Then Buddy Davis teaches them to sing the song, “Billions of Dead Things…” Now with that background, here is the story as told by Mary’s mother:
So we're walking across the street and I say to Mary (age 4), "let's have Bible-time outside while we walk today!" And Mary says, "Ok!" and so I start to sing a hymn, then I change the song to "Jesus loves the little children.” When I get to the part about "Jesus died for all the children ..." I stopped and asked Mary, ‘Why did Jesus die for all the children?’ she says, ‘Because He was buried (slight pause) in rock layers.’ This story only makes sense to the avid AiG fan, and maybe it's a better understood story when spoken …


We have had Laurel & Noren Uhlenhopp, 2 sisters from Bemidji, Minnesota, here all week helping the ministry. Their father called down to make the arrangements and they were finally able to get airline tickets to come, arriving Saturday, August 30th. They will be here volunteering until they fly out Sept 27th. They love the ministry and just wanted to help – both the ministry and fellow Christians.

Thanks, Laurel and Noren.


By the time you read this blog, I will have spoken at the morning services of the First Baptist Church in Lenoir City, Tennessee (near Knoxville). Two more sessions Sunday evening.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for {% get_urls 10271 alt="praying " %} Ken

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