A word from the Word

by Ken Ham on September 6, 2008

AiG was privileged on Friday morning to have guest speaker, Dan Hayden, Director of Biblical Research and Education at “A Word From The Word” (a part of the Sola Scriptura organization) address the staff. Dan has been a friend of AiG for many years. He is an expositional apologetics teacher. Dan had a great challenge for us concerning standing on the Word of God and reaching people with the gospel. His love and excitement for the Bible was obvious..

Find out more about Dan’s ministry at: www.awordfromtheword.org

I’ve included three photographs of Dan:

dan-hayden-visit-9-5-08-006.jpg 1. Dan Hayden addressing the staff

creation-museum1.jpg 2. Dan and myself trying to look frightened of a dinosaur at our special effects photo booth

creation-museum3.jpg 3. Dan and myself with another of the Photo FX Creation Museum backgrounds

We also welcomed Gary and Billie Weis to our staff meeting today. When they heard that Dan Hayden was speaking at AiG, they drove three hours from West Virginia to arrive for the 8:30 am staff meeting, and then spent the day at the Creation Museum.



Wednesday night was video-taping session number one for a new Buddy Davis DVD. This project involves the production of a series of 4 DVDs, each focused on a different aspect of the Creation Museum.

The one that is being currently worked on deals with the created kinds and will feature the animals in the Creation Museum petting zoo (like the Zorse, Zonkey and Donkeys, etc.). The children will learn about the animals’ design, their biblical origins, how each animal kind stays as its kind and doesn’t become another different kind of animal just as the Bible makes clear (“after its kind”).

Each one of the DVDs will have a key memory verse and quality biblical creation teaching. The salvation message will be a big part of these DVDs, too.

This video shoot took place in and around the gazebo across the lake from the Creation Museum. Buddy Davis, Geri Campbell, and 14 children were recorded singing a song that Buddy wrote to help children remember the words to Genesis 1:24.

It was very hot and muggy that evening—over 90 degrees. Buddy said, “The boys and girls did an excellent job. They had the right energy, and the smiles we needed. They couldn't have done a better job.”

I’ve included two photographs of the group as they were being filmed.



A pastor who attended one of our special Creation Museum pastors’ luncheons sent this communication:
I want you to know that the manner in which you (and others) presented your position was very respectful and humble. On top of that, the museum was great! We plan to come back and take more time to enjoy. And I will certainly encourage our congregation to take a look. Thanks for a wonderful experience. My convictions were deepened and my faith encouraged.


Great work

(1Sam. 1:5, 10) But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb. And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.

Our health problems do not necessarily mean that God is not happy with us, but, that God wants to draw us closer to Himself before He does a great work.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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