My Day at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on August 30, 2008

Yesterday was a busy day for me at the Creation Museum.

  1. Once a month, we invite local business men and women to come to the Creation Museum for a breakfast where I speak, and then we give them a tour of the Creation Museum. Local volunteer AiG supporters who are highly involved in the community are an integral part of this monthly outreach. I have included a photograph of some of the guests as we met in our conference room. mens-business-breakfast
  2. We had a number of special guests visiting the Creation Museum who wanted to meet me during the morning.
  3. At midday, I spoke in our Special Effects Theater on the topic of Creation Evangelism, and at 3 p.m. I spoke on the relevance of Genesis in today’s world. kens-talk
  4. At 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. I did book signings in the Dragon Hall Bookstore. kens-booksigning
  5. At other times I wandered throughout parts of the museum meeting with various guests . . . gothard-group-pics creation-museum-groups creation-museum-groups-2 . . . and also signed hats! ken-signing-hat
  6. At the 3 p.m. presentation I gave, I also congratulated two of our visitors, Al and Barbara Schwartz, who had come to the Creation Museum to celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary. al-barbara-schwartz

Testimony Highlight

I received many testimonies from various people throughout the day—but the highlight was from a lady from Michigan who told me that her husband was killed a year ago. Because her husband just loved the Creation Museum (he had been able to visit before he died), she has been using the estate he left her to finance bringing a group of people to the Creation Museum each month. She stays in the same hotel, brings the people to the museum and loads them up with material. What a witness! And what a legacy her husband has left.


My friend and AiG supporter Tom sends these devotions to me each day (he also sends them to the employees in his business), and today’s devotion really meant a lot to me as we deal with situations where people oppose us and write untrue and even nasty things about this ministry. It is good to remember that vengeance is the Lord's!


(1 Samuel 24:12–13) The LORD judge between me and thee, and the LORD avenge me of thee: but mine hand shall not be upon thee. As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not be upon thee.

We are painfully aware of our enemies, but we have the victory when we let the Lord decide on vengeance and we decide not to forward our hand of vengeance.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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