It All Clicked

by Ken Ham on July 14, 2008

I received a tremendous number of testimonies from people at the Home School Convention in Long Beach, California, where I spoke on Friday and Saturday.

I wanted to share three items in particular with you:

  1. I learned of a salvation testimony as a result of speaking at the same Home School Convention many years ago when it was held at the Disneyland Hotel. I was told of a wife who dragged her husband along to the convention. He was not a Christian, but went to church with his wife just because she wanted him to go. After hearing one of my talks, he said something like, “Now I understand—it has all clicked for me.” He became a Christian!
  2. A man told me about another salvation testimony associated with the home school convention at the Disneyland Hotel years ago. This man worked in the military. He loved my talks at the convention—purchased books etc. In the military, he found a young man who had walked away from the church (his father was a pastor). So, this man started sharing with him the creation apologetic material. Eventually this young man became a Christian, as he said he had never heard anyone connect the Bible to the world as was done through the creation ministry.
  3. A college student told me he was interning at an “evangelical” church teaching children. He became involved with their VBS program—but the pastor found out he was teaching about the creation issue to the children. The young man was told he couldn’t do that and so could no longer be an intern! He was saddened by this—but wanted to thank AiG for helping him stand firm on the Word of God.

Orlando Connections

Another AiG staff member has been in Orlando, Florida, the past couple of days. I told you on Sunday about an awards banquet in Orlando where AiG and the Creation Museum picked up some awards for video excellence and VP Dale Mason was there to accept them.

Meanwhile, AiG staff member Mark Looy was in Orlando for a completely different reason: to watch his 15-year-old son, Chris, play in a regional baseball tournament all this week. Before the games started, Mark, Chris, and mom, Renee, attended a service at First Baptist Church of Orlando and visited some friends. I remember the church as a place where I spoke back in the early ‘90s with an ICR “Back to Genesis” seminar in what was—at the time—the largest church I had ever seen (I think it has more than 5,000 seats!).

Before the service started, Mark met up with the Morgan family, formerly of Northern Kentucky. Joe, an architect, was transferred from our area to Orlando back in 2000 to start up a new office for his firm. He eventually became an executive VP with the company and then a member of its board of directors. Joe has a long affiliation with AiG and the Creation Museum—in fact, he was the one who came up with the first concept drawings for a Creation Museum on a piece of property we we were looking at in the mid ‘90s.

When we had to find another piece of land (the current one we’re on), Joe came up with the first museum drawing for that property. Just as Joe was moving to Florida, though, the vision for our museum (especially its size) drastically changed, and we ended up using a different local architect.

First Baptist

In the photo, on the left you can you can see Joe’s wife, Tracy; Joe (holding our Answers magazine and its architectural depiction of the Tower of Babel); and Joe’s son Ross—also Mark; his wife, Renee; and his son Chris outside the First Baptist Church of Orlando. Chris and Ross were classmates at Calvary Christian School in Northern Kentucky in the late ‘90s and hadn’t seen each other in 8 years.

By the way, Mark tells me that the statue behind them shows Caleb and Joshua and depicts God’s faithfulness in presenting the children of Israel with the Promised Land. A photo of a portion of the sanctuary is also attached with Pastor David Uth on the platform.

First Baptist

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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