Evangelist Visits AiG

by Ken Ham on June 11, 2008

We count it such a privilege to meet so many Christian leaders as they visit AiG and the Creation Museum outreach. This week we were blessed to be able to meet evangelist Mike Gendron (see photograph). He is the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry, which was established in 1991 to serve and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His death and resurrection as God’s only provision whereby sinners can be forgiven, redeemed, and justified. Since there are those who proclaim another Jesus and another gospel, we are called to expose spiritual deception so that people will not be deceived about life’s most critical question: “What must I do to be saved?”


As director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry, Mike works through local churches equipping the saints to effectively and faithfully communicate the gospel of grace. He has taught the students and faculty at the Master’s Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, and Tyndale Theological Seminary. Mike is the author of a number of materials that make the gospel clear to those who are trapped in religious deception. Since graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1991, Mike has conducted short-term missions trips and taught in hundreds of churches throughout the world.

He was so thrilled with AiG and the Creation Museum outreach, that he will be encouraging all those on his mailing list to visit the Creation Museum.


AiG commenced operations just over 14 years ago. As it started to grow, the Lord brought staff to fill various positions. Quite a number of those who started with AiG 10 or more years ago are still with the ministry. On Tuesday, we were thrilled to be able to give Dan Zordel, Director of Product Development at AiG, his 10-year anniversary gift. Thanks Dan for 10 years faithful and dedicated service.



I was so thrilled to be shown this photo of Samantha that was sent to our office this week. Her senior graduation photograph included Answers magazine! Samantha hosted a speaker from AiG over a year ago through her student organization at a public school. We certainly need more young people like Samantha who are willing to stand upon God’s Word and stand up for the truth. Congratulations, Samantha, and may the Lord richly bless you as you continue to honor Him and may He guide you in regard to your future and what He would have you do.


And by the way—if you don’t subscribe to Answers magazine as Samantha does, I urge you to do so through the AiG website. I have just gone through the very latest issue that arrived at our office last week. This issue is on ‘The Wonders of Creation.” I know I say this every time—but each issue just gets better and better. It seems impossible for the magazine staff to improve on the last quality issue—but they keep doing that issue after issues. Back issues are also very popular, and a number are still available through the Online Bookstore.


Turn them

(Deuteronomy 7:10) And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.

God’s payment to God haters will be direct and terrible, but, He delays waiting for those we bring the Gospel to, to turn them from being a hater to a lover of God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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