A Day at the Grand Canyon

by Ken Ham on March 21, 2008

Before flying back home from Nevada, my two brothers, AiG speaker Carl Kerby and I took a day off to travel from Las Vegas to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon in nearby Arizona. I've included four photographs to prove we actually did have a day off from speaking. dscn1957.JPG My brother David


David, Carl Kerby, me, and my brother Stephen

dscn1963.JPG Me with David and Stephen


The four of us before we helicoptered out of the Canyon

We went on a short pontoon boat ride only to hear the usual millions of years material regurgitated from the guide--we can't escape it!


An Illinois supporter writes:

I just came back from the museum(March 17,18)wow, what a great place to see and judge for yourself just how "the young earth" explanation makes all others pale in comparison . it is the bedrock of mankind, bar none . I took my 3 girls and my 75 year old father down to the museum in a last minute trip idea because the girls were off school this week (ages 11,10,7) man what a great place to see mankind and their creators works explained. Will be down here again, best 284 mile trip I ever made. Every believer should make this trip. Thank you Ken Ham and all involved and thank you to our Lord and savior Christ Jesus.

An article yesterday in the Kentucky Post website states

The Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau reported an all-time high in visitor spending, at the group's annual meeting Wednesday. In 2007, visitors to Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties spent $325 million, 23 percent more than 2006. The region attributes much of its earnings in having more attractions, including the Creation Museum
You can read the entire article at: http://www.kypost.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=4e1119d0-e83c-45fa-8134-381221569a9e

Today is Good Friday. As one of my friends wrote to me recently: “I pray that you and your family will have a joyous celebration this Resurrection weekend as we remember the painful sacrifice Christ paid for our sins and how He claimed victory over sin and death!”

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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