New Answers WorldWide Website Now Active

by Ken Ham on March 9, 2008

This exciting news about AiG’s new Answers WorldWide Website from AiG’s Director of AiG Worldwide, Dr. David Crandall:

Communications WorldWide: “On Friday I stood with our web team as the necessary key strokes were made to bring the brand new Answers WorldWide website to the WWW (world wide web). This moment was the fulfillment of a two year dream to have an effective international communication tool to tell the story of our WorldWide ministry. The new web site was part of the initial strategy we developed when this missionary arm of AiG became a reality a little over two years ago. So when the screen of my computer displayed the new site I had to praise the Lord for this new tool to reach the masses for Christ. I also had to praise the Lord for a great team at AiG who had put the site together.
The site is designed not only to communicate our ministry but to also display hundreds of articles, research papers and messages that have been translated into many languages. We want this site to be “world-friendly” so that wherever you live and whatever language you speak you will be able read, study, and grow. I see this new electronic marvel as another response to God’s command to go into all of the world with the Gospel of Christ. We are asking people all over the world to pray that God will use this website to challenge Christians and win the lost. I now personally ask the readers of Ken’s blog to take a moment and visit the new website and rejoice with us in what God is doing at AiG WorldWide. Either access directly at:, or go to and click on the banner at the top advertising the new WorldWide website.
Also watch the short video as I interview Dr. Crandall about AiG WorldWide on that website’s front page.


Mally and I left home yesterday in the middle of a snow storm to drive down to Nashville for the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) conference. After we left, the Cincinnati area received a lot more snow (from 10-15 inches). A number of AiG staff had their plans to attend the NRB upset because of the terrible road conditions. I have included a few photographs taken by our kids at home. The Creation Museum was closed on Saturday because of the snow storm! I believe this is the first time we have had to close because of bad weather—but it will be open again on Monday.


Tonight, I—along with Becky Manley and Brad Benbow from Joseph David Advertising—were thrilled to receive the NRB award for the best TV commercial of the year. This was the commercial advertising the Creation Museum (you can view it on the museum website).

We continue to meet people at the NRB over the next couple of days.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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