My Genesis Awakening

by Ken Ham on January 21, 2008

On Friday, one of the staff in our Advancement Department passed on to me the testimony he received from one of our supporters. This was so encouraging and powerful, I considered it important for you all to read. The testimony will only take a short time to read—and it is fascinating. Here is one of my favorite paragraphs (the entire testimony is reprinted below:

The journey has been incredible, and my faith has grown exponentially, for every time I look into a challenge, I walk away strengthened and encouraged! Rejoice! We are on the side of Truth! We have nothing to fear in defending our faith, for God’s Word is Truth. We have no need to compromise, and must not! I challenge all who call themselves by the name of Christ to humble themselves. Become a fool in the world’s eyes—set aside what you think you know, and begin to look behind the “stories.” Open your eyes to look for the deception—I realize now that it’s not even very well hidden! The Christian Faith is not blind—God has graciously flooded his creation with evidence that His Word is Truth! God wants to be known—earnestly search for the Truth with a humble heart and God’s Word will be confirmed every time!”
Entire Testimony:
The true story of my Genesis Awakening (2003-2004):

I was a preacher’s kid. In fact, my father and grandfather were both preachers. I’d asked Christ into my life as a very young child, but before I was 20, I’d had my fill of “church.” I spent the next 20 years open to any other idea as possible truth, before God graciously drew me back to Himself . . . but that’s another story!

Suddenly, I realized He Is—and I was awake! My thirst for God’s Word was insatiable, and over the next year or so, I read and listened to the Bible on CD many times through. I thought I believed and accepted the Bible as Truth, and considered myself a faithful witness.

One day I was standing alone in my office, when I heard some guy named Ken Ham come on the radio. He briefly and confidently proclaimed that dinosaurs were created with man in the Garden of Eden, during the literal six-day creation week which took place about six thousand years ago, and that they were also on the Ark with Noah . . .

I’d never heard of this guy, but was so appalled, I turned off the radio and actually spoke aloud to God in disgust: “Oh Lord, what is he doing? Doesn’t he realize how foolish he makes Your people look to the world with this kind of talk? How can we reach people for You when they keep hearing crazy stuff like this? I mean, everybody knows the world is millions of years old and dinosaurs died out long before man . . .”

A crystal clear thought cut through my ranting . . . “Who Says?”

A bit surprised, I was quick to think a rebuttal . . . “Well, my high school biology & physics books gave many proofs, for example . . .” (long dissertation, ending in a smug satisfaction in how much I’d remembered).

Just as clear the second time . . . “Who Says?”

I mentally moved into my college education, applying calculus based physics, time-light travel, size of the universe, etc . . . this is, after all, “higher education”! Not everyone understands or remembers this stuff! Man I’m good!

(pause) . . . gentle, but persistent . . . “Who Says?”

Irritation (panic?) was rising (I don’t usually argue with myself this way!) as I began mentally grasping at everything I could think of about dating methods and geological columns and dinosaur bones and string theory the big bang and . . .

Patiently . . . “Who Says?”

Suddenly it hit me so hard I literally had to sit down . . . my worldview collapsed in a moment, and all pride washed from me as I humbly spoke the realization aloud . . .

“Man says.”
I can still sense the gentle smile behind the thought that followed.
“Let God be true and every man a liar.”

And that was it. The debate was over, and I’d lost! I struggled to understand what had just happened, and the impact I could see it would make on my life, if I accepted it! But how could I reject it? I was truly and completely stunned.

It was the end of the “conversation”—but the intellectual conversion had just begun! I wish I could say I just believed, but it isn’t true—I am, after all, a “thinking person.” However, I now understood that I’d been placing blind faith in man’s “wisdom,” and doubting God’s Word, without even realizing it.

I couldn’t yet accept the idea, but my promise to God was simply this—that I’d open my eyes. Rather than trusting what I’d previously thought to be true, I’d set my “wisdom” to the side (become a fool) and start over—looking behind the stories I’d previously just believed—asking God for wisdom (which he promises generously to all who seek it!).

The journey has been incredible, and my faith has grown exponentially, for every time I look into a challenge, I walk away strengthened and encouraged! Rejoice! We are on the side of Truth! We have nothing to fear in defending our faith, for God’s Word is Truth. We have no need to compromise, and must not! I challenge all who call themselves by the name of Christ to humble themselves. Become a fool in the world’s eyes—set aside what you think you know, and begin to look behind the ‘stories’. Open your eyes to look for the deception—I realize now that it’s not even very well hidden! The Christian Faith is not blind—God has graciously flooded his creation with evidence that His Word is Truth! God wants to be known—earnestly search for the Truth with a humble heart and God’s Word will be confirmed every time!

When we believe the deceiver, we are turning the Truth of God into a lie, in our hearts. Since our salvation is through belief, if we choose to believe man and disbelieve God—without even trying to find the truth, will our hearts then be found faithful?

I thank God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for bold people of faith such as Ken Ham, and ministries such as Answers in Genesis, whose vast and free “Get Answers” section has been my most treasured find outside of God’s Word itself. With such resources so readily available, we are truly blessed—and truly without excuse. M.M. By the Grace of Christ.”


Because Mally and I were in Australia for Christmas, AiG delayed the usual end-of-year Christmas party until this past week. What a great time of fellowship and fun. I praise the Lord for the camaraderie among this dedicated group of Christian brothers and sisters. I should receive some photos of this time early this week—but for now I have included two that were sent to me:


Me and Dr. Tommy Mitchell—Dr. Mitchell is one of AiG’s popular speakers and was the MC for the evening. As well as speaking, he has a real knack at doing this sort of thing! Thanks Tommy for a great job.

I also enclose a photo someone took of our fourth grandchild (Kylie) showing what she (and my daughter-assistant!) was doing while I was speaking to the staff!!! Well, at least they didn’t go to sleep.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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