“Kudos” for the Astronomy Issue

by Ken Ham on January 14, 2008

We have been receiving a lot of positive feedback from the latest issues of Answers magazine, which has the astronomy theme.

On reader writes:

I’ve been a reader and follower of AIG for almost a year. My pastor was the first one to start showing us your material, and the results are nothing short of amazing. I wanted to send particular kudos to AIG for the latest astronomy issue. I took an astronomy 101 class this past semester at a secular community college. Let’s just say the class was good for looking at cool pictures, but not much else! I knew much of what I was being told was just the teacher fooling himself, but this astronomy issue opened my eyes fully to understanding the little details as well as the big picture. In fact, the “Astronomy 101” articles essentially tackled every single topic I learned about. Awesome! Thanks for all your ministry does, and particularly for this latest issue! And tell Dr. Lisle I’m a huge fan!

Another excited Answers magazine reader writes:

I just have to thank you with all my heart for this beautiful, well-done magazine. After receiving the first issue of my subscription, I went back to your website to order all the issues I had missed. The third issue of my subscription just arrived, and you have not disappointed me—it is fabulous. Your articles are very informative, well written, and easy to understand. I love the inserts for kids and the pull-out posters in each issue. As soon as each new issue is delivered, I pull out the insert and poster and laminate them so they will last and can be handled and enjoyed by all our guests. My husband and I and all four of our children, ages 20, 16, 12, and 10, have gotten so much out of Answers magazine. We LOVE it!
Don’t miss out on the most exciting creation/gospel/worldview apologetics magazine around today—subscribe through our website.


While in Australia recently, I had a photograph taken (see photo) of my mother, me, our daughter Renee, and her daughter Kylie. Four generations! And as I looked at the photograph, I praised the Lord for parents who raised me to trust in the Lord and His Word—and Mally and I have done our best to train our children this way—and Renee and her husband Bodie are now doing their best to train their daughter Kylie this way. (The same is true of our son Nathan and his wife Kristy as they train their children). Such a Godly heritage is such a blessing. Incidentally, my mother turns 80 next month!


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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